Chapter 12

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons,intense favouritism, google translate, human names, drama, grammar mistakes

Characters: Norway, Canada, England, France, Russia, America

Info: I tried.

Note: The story might seem odd off here on. I had the whole thing planned out, but then my computer died and I lost everything on it, along with the storyline for this, I'll try my best to continue on from how I left off.


Chapter 12

As Canada walked over to the couch he could feel Norways eyes on him, he felt mainly confused as to why Norway was acting differently towards him. His eyes seemed to be filled with remorse and sadness. As Canada sat down on the couch and turned to face the other, he took a deep breath and asked the simple question that started everything.

"Are you okay?"

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A warm gust of wild passed through a field filled with leaves that has fallen off of the trees surrounding it. The sun was shinning brightly covering half of the clearing in a golden glow. The red and yellow leaves seemingly amplifying the brightness, as the few green leaves that were left shimmered delicately as a breeze passed through them. Close nearby was the ocean, reflecting the light brightly as the waves crashed into the shore and into the side of the anchored ship. A little further inland a small settlement, housing approximately 80 people, was bustling with life. People going to fish, or to a welding station, some sitting around sharpening weapons or making boats. The settlement itself contained about eight buildings, ranging from carpentry workshops to living quarters.

Just a bit beyond the settlement sat a seemingly young man on a stump of a cut down tree. He was sharpening a small dagger, despite the weapon being fairly sharp already, he kept on the activity. His face one of neutrality but if you paid close attention you could notice the boredom in his eyes.

After a while, the young man set down the dagger, which could now probably cut through skin like paper, and resorted to watching the animals in the forrest. He would have normally been helping out in the settlement, but the leader of it had instructed him to relax a bit and look around the area. The man sighed and gripped the sides of the stump so tightly that the wood started to splinter and crack. Just then he heard a noise from the bushes a few meters in front of him. A thump, a sound as if something heavy had fallen onto the ground, like a long sword or a long.

The man, despite his better judgment moved towards the foliage, but left his dagger behind. He moved the leaves and then his face morphed into one of confusion.

A child, one that was maybe four years old, lay face first on the ground in front of him. The hadn't taken any children of this age on this voyage with them, and the boy didn't look like some of the tribesmen they'd met. The child had also felt familiar. Not like he had met it before, no, as if he'd met someone similar.

Then it clicked for him, as a small smile spread across his face. He leaned down next to the child an asked:

"Are you okay?"

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In the hotel room, the two sat across each other, the two who used to know each other like the back of their hands, now seemingly strangers.

Norway rested his elbows on his knees as he looked Canada dead in the eye.

"Why didn't you try to tell me?" He answered the previous question with a different one.

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