Dating Merlin Would Involve...

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-Accidentally finding out his secret when you first meet him, and him being intrigued by you when you swear you won't tell anyone.

-Being one of Morgana's handmaidens (and later Gwen's) and running into each other multiple times as you both do your jobs.

-Helping each other complete your daily chores.

-Spending all your free time together.

-Accompanying him when he runs errands for Gaius.

-PRANKS. SO. MANY. PRANKS. On Arthur, Gaius, the knights, and even each other.

-Holding each other tightly when he goes out with Arthur and his knights, and making him promise to come back.

-Morgana holding you hostage and him doing whatever it takes to save you.

-Gwen shipping you two and constantly setting the two of you up.

-Listening to him rant when he's had a particularly rough day and helping him calm down.

-Snuggling. All the time. He's especially fond of spooning.


-Being each other's rock and promising to stay together no matter what happens.

Merlin ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora