Merlin x Reader: You're Safe

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When you came to, your head was spinning, and your arms were aching. You looked around.

This was not your home. You were in a dark, dingy cell, and your arms were chained above your head. "Good morning," You looked around as someone sauntered out from a dark corner. Your eyes hardened, and you tried to act tougher than you felt.

"Morgana." She grinned.

"You remember me? I'm touched."

"What do you want with me?" She waved a finger as she circled you slowly.

"Oh, Y/N. Dear, sweet, stupid Y/N." She stopped in front of you and tipped your chin up with her knuckle. "You think this is about you?" You shook your head and she retracted her hand.

"What are you planning?" She laughed and walked out of your cell.

"Patience, Y/N. All will be revealed in time." With that, she left.


Merlin ran a hand through his hair for the millionth time as he read the note over and over.

Hello Merlin,

I have some things we need to discuss. Immediately. And before you ignore this note and destroy it, know this:

I have Y/N. And if you ever want to see her alive again, you'll come to my fortress and tell me exactly what I need to know.


Merlin had raced to your room, praying that Morgana was bluffing.

But she wasn't.

Your room was empty, and it was as though you were never there in the first place. He turned and raced out of the room.



You had no idea if it was day or night. You didn't even no how long you were there.

All you knew was that you had to get out of here.

You weren't going to sit here and let your friends walk into a trap. You studied your prison, and noticed that your chains were looped around a wooden beam.

A very rotten wooden beam.

You wrapped your hands around your chains, and pulled. The wood groaned, but didn't give. Gritting your teeth, you tried again. It was closer, but not quite.

You wrapped around even more chain, and jumped. When you fell towards the ground, the wood did too. You rolled out of the way as the wood came crashing down. You grinned at your success and stood up. You walked up the cell door and tried to think of a way to get out. Before you could try anything, you heard the familiar clacking of Morgana's shoes. You ran back to the wooden beam and laid down behind it, holding your breath. The footsteps stopped in front of the door and you heard a gasp. The door creaked open and her footsteps got a little closer, before they turned and sped out of the room. "She's gone! FIND HER!" Morgana shrieked. Her voice faded, and you didn't move. When you were sure she was gone, you got up and slowly crept towards the door. You checked both ends of the hall before choosing a direction. The floor was covered in debris and potholes, and after almost breaking your nose on three separate occasions, you had to stay close to the wall. You trailed your hand along the uneven stone wall, but stopped when the metal changed to wood.

You felt around it, and eventually your fingers found a tattered rope handle.

You slowly pulled it open, and cool air rushed out of the entrance, revealing a cold, damp puddle. Deciding that there was no better option, you quickly entered and closed the door behind you. You slowly worked your way forward, keeping your hand on the wall. Things were going great, until the wall and floor disappeared. You slid down the hill, screaming, until you ran into the wall at the bottom, face first.

Which promptly knocked you out.



"Stay close, and keep your eyes open," Arthur said. "We have no idea what we're walking into. We go in, find Y/N, and get out. No distractions, no delays.

Got it?" His men nodded. With Arthur leading the way, they descended into the tunnels that led to Morgana's fortress. They walked in silence, Merlin lagging a little farther behind. He had no idea what he would do when he found you. He had no idea if you were hurt, or even...

He couldn't even think it.

You were fine.

You had to be.

You were his Y/N. There was no one else like you, and he would be damned if he let anything happen to you.

"Merlin!" He looked up. Arthur was glaring at him. "Keep up!" Merlin didn't answer, but sped up. "I've never seen you go this long without a comment before." Merlin didn't answer, which worried Arthur. "Hey." He clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder. "We're going to find her. I pro—"

"Your Majesty!" Leon shouted and pointed up ahead. They broke into a sprint, and stopped after a short distance. They stopped at the base of a large hill, and their torches lit up the area.

And there, crumpled in the corner, was Y/N.

Merlin elbowed his way to the front of the group and knelt down next to you, pulling you into his arms and checking for a pulse. He sighed in relief and bowed his head to your shoulder. After a few seconds, he got up, with you still in his arms. "I need to take her to the infirmary," He said seriously. The group turned and left quickly.


You woke a few hours later. As your eyes focused, you realized you weren't in the cavern anymore. You were in a soft bed, and Merlin was gently dabbing the side of your head with a rag. When he saw you were awake, he smiled. "You're going to be the death of me," He laughed, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. You felt tears prick your eyes. "Hey hey hey," He cupped your face in his hands and wiped your cheeks. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm so sorry," You said softly.

"What on earth are you apologizing for?"

"I put you in danger!" You couldn't look him the eye. "I got myself captured, and—"

"This is not your fault, Y/N." He helped you sit up and clasped your hands in his.

"But if she caught you..."

"She didn't. Y/N, everything is okay." You still didn't look at him. "I got you back, you're safe, and nothing's going to happen to you."

"But—" He pulled you close and tucked your head under his chin.

"No buts. You're safe. That's all that matters." You gave in and wrapped your arms around him.

And all was right.

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