Merlin x Reader: Herb-Hunting

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"Uncle?" You pushed open the wooden door and looked inside. "It's Y/N!" After receiving no answer, you walked inside. You dropped your bag on the floor and looked around. "Hello?"

"Can I help you?" A dark haired boy came out of the back room.

"Is Gaius here?" You asked.

"I'm afraid not. He was summoned by the King about an hour ago. Is there anything I can do?"

"I'm Gaius' niece. I've come to stay with him for a few months. May I ask who you are?" You asked him. He didn't respond, and continued to stare at you. You waved a hand experimentally. "Uh, hello?" He blinked and the blood rushed to his cheeks.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He smiled nervously. "I'm Gaius' apprentice, Merlin." You shook his hand.

"Yes, he's written about you." You recalled the letters you exchanged with your uncle. "You're the," You leaned in to whisper. "Wizard, aren't you?" Merlin's eyes widened.

"Wizard? D-Don't be ridiculous! What gave you that idea?" He sputtered. You laughed.

"Merlin, relax," You waved your fingers and a bottle on the table levitated. "Your secret's safe with me." He grinned.

"You too?"

"Merlin. My uncle is Gaius. Are you really that surprised?" He laughed awkwardly.

"No, I guess not." You both settled into an awkward silence.

"Merlin?" Your uncle returned to the infirmary. "I need you to go into the woods and pick up some herbs for me—Y/N?" He turned around and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

"Hello, Uncle," He grinned and slowly walked over to you, pulling you into a hug.

"How has my favourite niece been?" You laughed.

"I'm your only niece."

"Yes, but you're still my favourite." He grinned cheekily. Merlin cleared his throat awkwardly. Gaius turned to him in surprise. "Merlin? What are you still doing here?"

"...What?" Merlin asked with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"The herbs, Merlin," He made a shooing motion with his hand. "Go on now. Go." You bit back a laugh as Merlin left with a slightly annoyed look on his face. He closed the door behind him and your uncle turned back to you.

"Now, I'll prepare dinner, and you sit down." You went to protest, but Gaius held up a hand. "I mean it. You've been on a long journey and you need to rest." He turned to the fire. "But not before I hear about what you've been up to."


"So how has your magic practice been going?" Gaius asked as the three of you sat down to eat. Merlin had arrived just in time for dinner after returning to the infirmary covered in mud and with sticks in his hair. Gaius' eyes widened and he demanded to know what happened. Merlin just rolled him eyes and said "Arthur."

"It's been fine. The druids are so wise, and I've been learning so much."

"You train with the druids?" Merlin asked. You nodded.

"Since I was a little girl. I practically grew up in the forest. I know it like the back of my hand."

"You do? Well that would've been good to know while Prince Clot-Pole and his Knights threw mudballs at me." Your jaw dropped.

"Why on Earth would they do that?" Merlin shrugged.

"It's odd isn't it? You'd think he would've been busy defending Camelot." You laughed, and Merlin grinned. Gaius looked between the two of you suspiciously. "But he's not a bad guy!" Merlin quickly added. You looked at him.

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