Dating Mordred Would Involve...

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-Deep conversations.

-Facing each other when you cuddle.

-Eskimo kisses.

-Him holding your face in his hands when you kiss.

-Him being super protective of you.

-Seriously. It gets to the point where you have to tell him to take it down a notch because you' re pretty sure that the old lady selling carrots isn't a bandit.

-Being the first one (other than Merlin) to know about his magic.

-Constant reassurance.

-"You know I love you, right?"

"Of course I do,"

" love me too, right?"

"How could I not?"

-Honestly, it sometimes hurts to see how little he thinks of himself.

-Being fascinated by druid life and asking him to tell you stories.

-Leaving the kingdom to go on dates (Usually picnics).

-When you have free time you nap together.

-Morgana attempting to get Mordred to join her by using you as leverage.

-"Join me, Mordred. Think of the life you could have. The life your Y/N could have."

"I see what you're doing. Leave her out of this."

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