Dating Lancelot Would Include...

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-Him always asking permission before touching you in anyway.

-It gets to the point where you start making the first move because "You don't have to ask to hold my hand,"

-Being the perfect gentleman when it comes to you. Holding the door for you, giving you his cloak when it's cold, he pulls out all the stops.

-"Why doesn't he ever open the door for us?"

"Aw, is Gwaine feeling jealous?"

"Hey, if our roles were switched you'd be jealous too, missy!"

-Running your hand through his hair and him melting.

-Holding each other as close as you can while sleeping.

-Him always waking up before you and him just lying there, watching you sleep and being unable to believe how lucky he is.

-You take turns reading to each other every night.

-When it's his night, you're nestled against his side.

-When it's your night, he lays his head in your lap and usually ends up falling asleep to the sound of your voice.

-After they all get back from a particularly trying mission, he makes a beeline for you and asks you to marry him.

-You burst into tears and nod frantically.

-Living happily ever after with the love of your life.

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