Merlin x Reader: Babysitting

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"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Gwen asked as you bounced the baby in your arms.

"We'll be fine Gwen; now go! When was the last time you and Arthur had some peace?" Gwen looked reluctant as she gazed at her son. "Gwen." You told her. "We'll take good care of them, you don't need to worry."

"I know you will, it's just," She looked over at where her daughter was playing on the ground with Merlin. "I've never been away from them this long before." And it was true. When the princess was born, Gwen had refused to let a governess care for her and insisted she and Arthur parent the child. At first Arthur was unsure, but only because he had been raised by a governess himself. It was obvious he was reluctant to leave his children as well, as he hovered in the door nervously.

"They'll be alright. I'm sure they'll understand that Mummy and Daddy need some time to themselves. Plus you keep telling us how they beg to visit Auntie Y/N and Uncle Merlin."


"But nothing! Go!" Gwen sighed in defeat, and with one last kiss for her son, Arthur and her left. "Well," You said to the baby in your arms. "It's just us now, little man." You carried little Richard to where little Ygraine played on the floor with Merlin. The five year old giggled and clapped her hands as Merlin pulled a coin from behind her ear. Richard babbled nonsense as his pudgy little hands played with your hair.

"Auntie Y/N! Did you see what Uncle Merlin did?" Ygraine exclaimed. You smiled.

"Yeah, it was amazing wasn't it?" She nodded with a wide grin.

"Can you do tricks, Auntie?" You smiled and shook your head.

"I'm afraid not. All the tricks belong to Uncle Merlin." Ygraine frowned and glared at Merlin.

"What?" He asked. She pinched his arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You should share your tricks with Auntie Y/N!" Ygraine scolded him, and you could see Gwen in her face. It was plain to see that she inherited Arthur's spirit though.

"Hey hey hey," You gently grabbed Ygraine's arm and pulled her off of Merlin. "I don't want any of his tricks." She looked at you. "I don't nee them. I have other skills."

"Like what?"

"Well, I'm a better cook than Uncle Merlin, and I can clean faster than even your momma." He huffed, but didn't deny it. "And I have a trick of my own." You whispered. She leaned forward, eager to hear. You passed Richard to Merlin, who took him with a smile, and leaned into Ygraine. "I know when to pass your brother to Uncle Merlin. I've never had to change him." Merlin groaned.

"Someone's a little stinky!" He bounced Richard in his arms as he walked away.

"And he doesn't suspect a thing." You whispered. Ygraine giggled, but stopped when her stomach rumbled. She held it sheepishly and you stood up with a smile. "Come on, little miss. Let's find something to eat." She took your hand and you walked into the kitchen. "How does vegetable soup sound?" You asked as you rummaged through the pantry. She grinned as she hopped up on one your chairs. You smiled and set to work.

Merlin came in a few minutes later with Richard on his hip. He kissed your cheek as he walked by and sat at the table, setting Richard on the tabletop in front of him and making faces at him. "Smells good," He commented as you brought the soup over and began ladling it into bowls. You passed the first to Ygraine, along with a warning about the temperature. Then you made one for Merlin. Finally, you made one for Richard and poured some water in it to cool it. You made one for yourself and set it off to the side.

"I can take him," You said as you reached out for Richard. "You eat." Merlin obeyed and passed the baby to you. You balanced Richard on your knee as you began to feed him his supper. He fussed at first, but soon gave in and ate his soup hungrily. When he was done, you passed him back to Merlin who burped him and took him away to put him to sleep. When he came back, you were cleaning up the kitchen and Ygraine was waiting to play with her uncle some more. When the kitchen was finally back in order, you came out to see Merlin with a blindfold on, counting to 30. "...And 30!" He lifted the blindfold and began looking around. You both noticed Ygraine's little slippers poking out from behind the curtain. Merlin pointed at them, and held a finger to his lips. You nodded, and he left the room, quietly calling for Ygraine. You backed into your kitchen and waited. After five minutes, Ygraine poked her head out from behind the curtain and slowly crept out. You snuck up behind, and began to tickle her. She dropped in a mess of giggles and shrieks. Merlin came back in.

"Uncle Merlin!" She shrieked. "Help me!" He grinned mischievously, and for a moment you thought he was on your team.

But that was until his smile became levelled at you. "No." You let go of Ygraine and started backing away with your hands up. "Merlin, don't you dare!" But it was too late. He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you against him, tickling you as you laughed and tried to escape. "Mercy!" You gasped as tears ran down your face. "Mercy!" After a few more seconds, he released you. You wiped your eyes and Ygraine cheered and hugged Merlin's leg.

"You're my hero, Uncle Merlin!" He picked her up as she continued to cheer. You smiled at the sight, until a cry pierced through the air. You all went silent, and Merlin and Ygraine looked at each other sheepishly.

"I'll get him." You said. You walked away from them and towards the crying. "Yes yes, I'm here." You said as you picked up Richard and cradled him to your chest as you rocked him, bouncing on the balls of your feet. You walked around the room, trying to get him to go back to sleep. It took awhile, but eventually Richard's cries dissolved into soft whimpers, and eventually, into sleep. You smiled and laid him back down. You turned around and gasped. Merlin was standing in the doorway, watching you with a smile. "You scared me!" You whispered as you laid a hand over your heart. He smiled and approached you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He gently kissed you.

"You're great with children." He told you. You smiled.

"You are too. I'm beginning to think Ygraine loves you more than Arthur." Merlin laughed softly.

"He'd kill me." You giggled as he led you out of the room.

"Speaking of which, where is Ygraine?"

"Sleeping," You laughed. "She just sat down on the ground and closed her eyes." You looked over and sure enough, the little princess was curled into a ball on the ground. Merlin let go of you, and picked her up. He carried her into the back room and laid her down on the bed. He came back and sat down next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Can you see us as parents?" He asked you after a few moments of silence. You looked up at him.

"Well, yes." You said. "I think a family of our own would be amazing." He smiled. "What brought this up?"

"I saw you with Richard, and I couldn't help but think, 'what if that was our baby?'" He turned so he was facing you. He grabbed your hands in his. "Y/N, I want a baby." He said seriously. You were about to answer when a knock sounded at the door. You got up without an answer and went to the back as Merlin opened the door. You heard Arthur's voice drift through the house as you lifted Richard gently. You carried him out to his parents as Merlin went to get Ygraine. Gwen's face lit up as she eagerly took her son, and Arthur ran a fond hand over his head before taking a still-sleeping Ygraine from Merlin. After saying your goodbyes, the royal family went home. Letting out a tired sigh, you began locking up the house and putting out candles. You were just about to go get changed when Merlin gently took your wrist. You looked at him. "Well?" He asked nervously. You smiled.

"Well, if you want a baby that badly, we better get started." Merlin looked at you before he grinned impishly. He swept you into his arms and kissed you hungrily as he carried you to your bed.

"God, I love you."

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