Mordred x Reader: Courtship

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"This is painful." Merlin said to Gwen as they sat watching the knights train.

"What is?" Merlin gestured to where Mordred was sat, waiting for his turn in the arena. It was obvious his thoughts were somewhere else, however.

"He's been mooning over Y/N since the day they met, and I'm sick of it!" Gwen laughed.

"I know what you mean. Y/N's been distracted at work lately, and I only just got her to tell me why. She's head over heels for him too, but she's convinced it's one sided."

"So is he!" Merlin shouted exasperatedly, drawing the gazes of a few knights. He smiled sheepishly, but returned to his conversation with Gwen. "I'm at the end of my rope."

"I agree. Someone should really do something about it." She said innocently. Merlin looked at her.

"What are you planning?" She smiled slyly, and beckoned him to follow as she began to make her way back to the castle.

"Something that will benefit all parties involved."


"Y/N?" Queen Guinevere called you from where she was reading a book. You arranged the flowers in the vase with a final touch and quickly made your way over. She nodded her head towards the window. "Is my husband and his knights still training?" You looked out the window and saw the red blobs on the training field.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Would you be a dear and take some water down for them? I'd go myself but I promised to help in the kitchens this evening."

"Of course, Your Highness." You walked with Guinevere down to the kitchens, and parted ways as you continued to the training grounds.

"Y/N!" Gwaine shouted as soon as he saw you. "How kind of you to grace us with your presence!" You grinned as you waved.

"I'm just here to refill the water skeins." You motioned to the large wicker basket. You circled the arena until you were confident you had all of the vessels. You turned to make your way to the well.

"Y/N!" Arthur called.

"Yes, Your Highness?" You turned and curtseyed.

"Those skeins will be heavy to carry back. Take Mordred with you." Your heart shot into your throat.

"Thank you, but I should be alright."

"It's fine!" Mordred shouted, getting up and jogging over to you. He practically snatched the basket out of your hands, shooting you a sheepish smile.

"Um, okay." You practically squeaked. As Mordred tried to remain calm, and you focused on remembering to breathe, Arthur flashed a thumbs up to his wife, who was watching from her window.

You returned twenty minutes later, each of you holding onto a handle of the basket. You had a soft smile on your face, while Mordred was trying and failing to hide a massive grin. You wordlessly handed out the skeins to each knight, saving Mordred's for last. You handed him his, making sure your fingers grazed each other, before sheepishly ducking your head and all but running back to the castle. Mordred watched your retreating form with a dreamy smile, before turning back and noticing that his friends were all watching him expectantly. The smile was wiped from his face, and he reached for his sword.

"Alright. Who's first?"


"Well it kind of worked," Merlin commented as he and Gwen watched your interaction from the window. "Now what?"

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