Friendship and Uncertainty

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You kicked up dirt as you continued running down the streets of the village, looking wildly for two familiar faces. People shouted at you as you raced by stalls and narrowly missed knocking people over until you spotted who you were looking for.

"Alex! Nadia!" You yelled as you ran towards two surprised figures. Slowly you skidded to a halt in front of them, realizing just how far you had ran. Instantly your legs felt like jelly and you sank to the ground.

"(Y/n)!" exclaimed a girl with red hair and brown eyes, "Are you okay!?"

You nodded and held up a finger, signaling you needed a moment before saying anything. A boy with blonde hair and green eyes walked around behind you and hoisted you up and onto a conveniently placed barrel before joining the other girl's side.

"I'm," You paused, taking in air, "I'm fine, just out of breath." You finish.

"I thought you were supposed to have an audience with the princes," The boy inquired as he eyed you in case you sank to the ground again.

You paled at the mention of the princes, "Don't say anything about that Alex." You rushed out and looked at him pleadingly.

"What happened in there?" Asked the girl as she stared at you worriedly.

"N-nothing good. I'm just going to pretend I never went, and you should too." You stated and cut off all other mentions of the visit. "Anyway, how's Beli?" You asked.

Beli was Alex's Friesian horse. She was black with beautiful dark grey markings. A few days ago, she started walking differently and becoming startled when anyone approached her. You knew that Alex loved his horse more than anything in the world.

"She's...okay," he mumbled, "I had the vet come in to look at her but she couldn't see anything wrong with her."

You could see that Alex's eyes were filled with pain and worry and you instinctively reached out to pat his arm. "It'll be okay."

He looked at you surprised and then nodded, putting a smile on his face.

"I'm here too!" Whined Nadia, "I'm your friend too. Show me attention!"

You laughed and shakily stood up to hug her. Nadia's sense of humor always lightened the mood and brought a smile to your face.

"You sure you don't want to talk about what happened?" She quietly asked as you pulled away. You felt embarrassment and hesitation rise in your stomach as you sat back down. Both of your friends looked at you expectantly and you sighed.

"No, I really don't, but I probably should."

You told them about the whole fiasco that went down in the palace while Alex and Nadia listened with wide eyes. Once you were done you didn't feel any better than when you started, but had a slight comfort knowing that Alex and Nadia now knew.

"I never would have guessed that the 'mysterious twins' were borderline assaulters!" exclaimed Nadia as she stared at you. "I guess having their attention isn't really something you want though."

You grimaced and nodded, not wanting to think about what was going to happen soon.

"We'll help you avoid them," Alex offered, staring at her in a determined manner, "We'll hide you and make sure they can't find you. We'll say you ran away."

You stared at Alex hopefully, "You really think that'll work?"

He scoffed, "What are they gonna do? Kill all of us?"

You laughed, "No, they wouldn't. This is why you two are the best people in the whole world."

Nadia crossed her arms in a mock pout, "What? Was there uncertainty before?"

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora