Hide And Seek

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You threw the door to the fitting room open, making eye contact with Micah.

"(Y/n)? What's wro-"

"Hide. Somewhere. I'm pretty sure I made them angry. Don't get caught, please! I'm going to get Reed." There was desperation and panic in your voice.

He nodded, shocked, before he came out into the hallway with you. Instead of following you, he opened a doorway in the wall. You glanced at him but had no time to ask questions.

"(Y/n)!" Someone yelled down the hallway and you sped off, headed for the stables.

"Reed!" You yelled as you made your way down the gravel path.

"(Y/n)! You really did come to visit me!" Reed grinned as he stood next to Mei.

"I wish it was under better circumstances." You breathed as you slowed down in front of him. You glanced behind the stable noticing the trees. "Reed, is that a forest?"

He turned to look behind him and nodded, "Yup! Why? Did you want to climb trees!?" His eyes lit up.

You bit the inside of your cheek. Should you tell him?

You bent down to his level, "Listen Reed. I'm playing a super-duper important game of hide and seek with the princes and now I'm recruiting you."

His face lit up, "Really (Y/n)? Oh yes! This'll be so fun!"

You nodded and ushered him towards the forest, "Alright so now that you're officially on my team, show me the best hiding spot in this place!"

He nodded determined, "I'm on it!" Suddenly he sped off into the trees. You glanced behind you one more time before following him.

He ducked under branches and nimbly avoided roots spreading out along the forest floor. You stumbled quite a few times as you tried to keep up with him.

"Reed? Are you sure you know where you're going?" You called out as he ran a few feet ahead of you.

He turned around, jogging backwards, "Yup! Don't worry (Y/n)! We'll win hide and seek for sure!"

You felt guilty lying to him, but he was still a child. He didn't need to know. "Alright!"

You two ran for a few minutes, winding around trees and ducking through the underbrush until Reed suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" You asked as you came up beside him.

"We're here!" He stated happily as he looked around.

You glanced up and saw a large oak tree. Reed traveled over to it, jumped up, and grabbed one of the lower branches.

"What are you doing?" You asked as you came over.

"We're climbing silly!" He giggled as he reached for another branch.

"Why?" You asked, not really wanting to climb.

He glanced down at you, "Because! This is the center of the forest. The princes will come here but they're gonna check in the trunk of the tree. We'll be up in the branches!"

You hesitantly grabbed a branch and pulled yourself up, "What's in the trunk of the tree?"

"Its carved out. The older servants used to use it as a hangout spot during the summer." He pulled himself up onto another branch.

You followed suit, quickly catching up to him. "So you're sure that they won't see us?"

He pointed to a large branch about 30 feet above him, "We have to get there. The foliage will cover us once we hit that point."

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now