The Task At Hand

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You quickly started off by gathering the random books that sat on the coffee table, couch, and around the floor. You glanced at a few titles, but they all had something to do with politics, ruling, or strategy. After placing the books into their respectful places on the shelves you turned around and looked for some sort of duster or broom so that you could sweep the floors and/or dust the mantle of the fireplace and the multiple shelves hanging on the walls.

With a few minutes of searching, you identified a duster, but saw no broom. Sighing, you picked the duster up and began dusting the mantle. You looked at the photos and figurines sitting on top, trying to figure out something about the sick and twisted twins that had practically forced you into this job. Instead, two smiling faces stared back at you from the photos and you turned them down in disgust, not wanting to see their faces.

You eventually fell into a rhythm of things, dusting shelves, moving knick-knacks, and humming a little tune to yourself that you used to sing when you were little. Occasionally the wood in the fireplace would crack and send up a burst of embers making an occasional background sound for your song.

After completing that part, you grabbed a small metal bin and started picking up the trash that was strewn around the room. You glanced at a few objects and wondered how the brothers lived in such filth. The bin got filled up rather quickly and you looked around the room to find a new bag to use. You wandered into the twins bedroom and searched for a few minutes before looking at the armoire that stood across from the two beds. Opening it, you immediately fell the to the ground as objects pushed against you.

Slowly propping yourself up, you stared down at the multiple objects that were responsible for your tumble, "Found the brooms..." You muttered to yourself as you stood up and grabbed one. Ignoring the trash for the moment, you deliberately swept the room, making sure there was nothing left on the floor for the brothers to critique. You glanced around the room, and didn't see much else that needed to be done in terms of cleaning up.

Nodding to yourself, you switched your attention over to the still dwindling fire. You had never cleaned out a fireplace before, so you'd have to learn along the way. Pushing the coffee table against the couch to give you more room, you got down on your knees and slowly doused the fire. Thinking for a moment, you went back into the boys bedroom and curiously searched around for another door. Locating it, you opened it and found the room you were looking for.

The bathroom was beautiful, and large. It had a light blue, white and gold color scheme to it with the walls being blue, the floors being white, and gold accenting and making the details. In front of you stood a large pool of water that led towards a wall of complete glass. Momentarily stunned your forgot why you had come in, but after a few seconds you looked around and spotted the object you were looking for. Swiftly grabbing a white towel off a stacked pile on the vanity you walked back to the armoire, grabbed a smaller handheld broom, and re-entered the living area.

After spreading the towel out in front of the fireplace, you momentarily prayed that the princes wouldn't mind before you got to work sweeping the ashes and soot out of the fireplace and into the nearby waste basket.

This went on for what seemed like hours until the fireplace was finally clean. You gathered up the towel and threw it in the corner, planning to take it to the laundry room later, and tied the bag in the waste bin up and set it by the door. You carefully placed new logs that were sitting beside the fireplace inside and went into the bathroom to clean your hands.

Upon looking in the mirror, you saw that your face had a few smudges of soot and looked down to see your uniform in a similar condition. Sighing, you dried your hands and went back into the bedroom to figure out where the princes laundry was.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now