It's Not Right

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It went on like that for the next few days. The twins would come visit you in the morning, feed you despite your protest, and then disappear for the rest of the day. You grew more worried since Micah never visited you.

On the fourth day of being confined to your bed, something inside you broke.

Aiden sat on the bed and was talking about something having to do with the masquerade and Connor was writing things down near the fireplace.

You leaned towards Aiden as much as you could and looked at him with wide eyes, "Aiden please! I can't take it anymore! I need to move, I need to do something. Get me out of these cuffs. I feel like I'm going to go crazy!"

Aiden looked at you shocked before cupping your cheek and smiling, "Dear. We've done this for your own good. I think you're slowly realizing as well that you care for us. That's all we wanted."

Connor came over and knelt down beside the bed, "(Y/n)? Is there something you want to say to us?"

"I love you." It just rolled off your tongue effortlessly at this point. Four days of constant asking lead to saying it without a second thought.

You watched as they both smiled.

"Well, I think we've trained her well." Connor said as he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small key.

Your eyes lit up, "You're going to unlock me!"

Aiden laughed, "There's another face I enjoy. You look so happy dear."

You watched as Connor inserted the key into your right handcuff and turned it. Suddenly the weight you had felt around your wrist for days fell away and you moved your arm around. Connor smiled and did the same for your left one.

You looked down at your wrists, joy filling you. "I'm really happy..."

Aiden smiled and pulled you into him, "I love that look dear."

You wrapped your arms around him, smiling into his shirt.

"I'm here too, dear." Connor said as he crawled onto the bed and joined you two.

You sat like that for a few moments before you pulled away. "Thank you." You whispered.

Connor looked at you lovingly, "Of course dear."

You tentatively stood up and almost fell to the ground. Aiden caught you and held onto your arm, "Are you okay?"

"I guess not walking for a few days affects your legs." You sheepishly said as you balanced yourself against Aiden.

"Take your time." Connor said as he watched, waiting to catch you.

You slowly took a step, stopped for a moment, and then took another. You continued doing this until you could comfortably walk. Aiden hesitantly let you go and you made your way to the door.

"Where are you going to go?" Connor inquired, still watching you.

You frowned, "I'm not sure. I just want to go somewhere."

"We'll come with you." Aiden offered, coming up next to you.

You turned to them and smiled, "Alright!"

Connor got up and stood on your other side, "Lead the way my dear."

You nodded and walked down the hall, not really having a destination in mind. A familiar figure stood up ahead.

As you got closer their blue eyes widened, "(Y/n)!?"

You smiled and waved, "Hey Micah!"

"What happ-" Micah started but the twins pushed you past him.

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now