The Awaited Moment

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You fidgeted with your skirt as you sat on your bed. You'd exhausted every way to entertain yourself and yet, there was no one there to tell you it was time to go to the ballroom.

You sighed and looked out the window, seeing the sun slowly set. You knew people were showing up. The palace had noise for once, although it was faint from where you were.

Just remember the plan (Y/n)...You'll be fine. 

Your stomach was doing flips. No matter how much you had thought about this for the past few weeks, your anxiety hadn't changed.

A sudden realization hit you and you disappeared into the bathroom. It was naïve to think that people wouldn't question a girl with an elegant dress riding away from the palace. Word would  spread immediately to the princes. You grabbed your original clothing from when you first arrived at the palace and stood there puzzled.

How were you going to conceal it?

Your dress didn't have any pockets. You bit your lip and looked down. After a few minutes of adjusting and trying things out, you settled to hide the clothes around the waist. It was tighter there and you would be able to hold your arms there to keep it from falling. Anyone would take your body language as you just being nervous.

Confirming for the last time that the clothing wasn't visible, you walked back into the room and jumped. The messenger stood in the doorway with a bored expression.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he glanced at you.

"I-I just need my mask." You stuttered, your worry through the roof. Every single bad thing that could happen passed through your brain as you walked over to the bed and grabbed the mask lying there.

Were you making the right decision?

You glanced down at the initials engraved in the mask.

You were.

"It's time." The messenger stated and stepped into the hallway.

Yeah...It's time.

The walk to the ballroom was quiet. You'd glance at the messenger from time to time but he only wore an expression of boredom. Your footsteps echoed down the stairs and through the hallways and your breath hitched as you saw the doors come into view.

He stopped a few feet away and turned to you, "In approximately seven minutes, the princes will announce you and you will go inside. Until then, you will wait right here. All the guests are in the ballroom and no one will see you." He turned on his heel and pushed a spot on the wall. A passageway swung open and he stepped inside.

"Will anyone be waiting here with me?" You asked quietly, shifting from foot to foot.

He glanced at you, "No. The princes ordered anyone to. Goodbye." The door swung shut behind him.

You waited a few moments until you were positive he wasn't coming back through. You let out a sigh and glanced at the mask.

This is it...Thank you Micah.

You traced the initials one more time before you let the mask fall to the floor. You turned and ran down the hallway.

I'm probably down to 5 and a half minutes. You thought as you made your way up the stairs. The hallway passed by you in a blur to the point that you almost didn't recognize your own door as you passed it.


You pushed yourself farther, wanting to be at least on a horse and leaving when the princes found out. Being in the castle wouldn't boost your chances of pulling this off.

You passed the dinning hall and went down the main hallway. Your eyes widened as you saw the entrance come into view.

You're almost there.

Your feet crossed over the threshold onto gravel and you smiled. You'd made it out, now just to find Reed and the horses.

You went down the gravel path about halfway before you turned to the left and walked off into the woods. You heard a faint neigh and wove your way through the trees before you saw Mei tied to a branch. She'd been saddled and was ready to leave.

You furrowed your brow as you came up to her and looked around. Where was Reed?

You quickly shed your dress and slipped on your old clothing. You went over to the saddle and went to climb up when you saw a small note attached to the bag. You pulled it off and read it.

(Y/n)! Everything's alright, there was just a change in plan. I've taken Kia and made visible and exaggerated tracks heading in the opposite direction. It should buy us even more time. Just head to the outskirts of the village, your parents and friends are waiting on the south side near the forest. I'll meet you there!


You nodded silently and went over to untie Mei. You let the rope and paper fall to the ground as you pulled yourself on top of her.

"Alright Mei. I'm trusting you." You whispered as you patted her neck before silently flicking the reigns and heading towards town.


"Thirty seconds." Connor muttered as he glanced at a pocket-watch.

"Oh, I can't wait!" Aiden smiled as he looked over the crowd. Thousands of people had shown up, all of them dressed in elegant and fine clothing. The entire room looked alive as people conversed and moved around. He scoffed. None of them even compared to you.

"Fifteen." Connor stated as he slipped the watch back into his pocket. In a few seconds, everything would come together, and you'd walk through the doors. He blushed slightly at thinking about what would happen later.







Aiden cleared his throat, causing everyone to look up at them.

"Good evening everyone." Connor smiled as he stood up straighter.

"Welcome to our masquerade. As you know, this is to celebrate both our twentieth birthdays and the choosing of our new queen." Aiden lifted his chin slightly.

"You'll get to meet her in a few moments, but for now. Let us explain what is here for you tonight. On your left you will see the gourmet food created by our best chefs in the palace." He gestured to the long table. "And directly behind you on the balcony is the best band in the country here for your entertainment." He pointed up at them.

"No one is permitted to travel anywhere except the ballroom and the hallways to enter and exit." Aiden added.

Aiden and Connor bowed together, "Now, please join us in welcoming our new queen, (Y/n)."

Everyone bowed and the twins could hear the doors open. Almost instantly, there was murmuring throughout the crowd.

Aiden furrowed his brow as he still looked at the ground. Were they judging her?

Connor risked a glance at you and his face paled. He grabbed his brothers arm and pulled him up.

"What in the..." Aiden growled as they looked out into the hallway.

There was no one there, except for a (f/c) mask.

A/N: We love irregular upload schedules. Reader chan, you're getting yourself into pretty dangerous territory right about now. Also upon thinking about how I want this book to end, there may be many updates tonight. Just know you have at least two updates if not more. There are a lot of different ideas going through my head right now. Enjoy reading!    ^-^

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