Harsh Words But Harsher Punishment

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You stirred slightly, slowly waking up, and you felt something soft against your cheek. You slowly opened your (e/c) eyes and were met with confusion. You were staring at a light blue fabric, but you didn't know what it was since your head was pressed against it. You also felt slight pressure around your waist which hindered your ability to roll over and figure out where you were. Slowly, last nights events came back to you and you stiffened.

Did I really fall asleep in their room...You inwardly groaned as you tried to very carefully shift towards the edge of the bed, but the pressure around your waist tightened.

"I was hoping you would sleep for longer," A voice murmured, "Its very calming to watch you sleep."

You froze as your ears recognized the voice, "Aiden what are you-"

A hand covered your mouth, "Shhh, you'll wake my brother. I want a few moments of you to myself." You felt his head nuzzle into your hair and you shuddered.

"You're very regal when you sleep (Y/n). Did you know that?" He continued as you felt him pull you closer into his chest. "You're breathing is very soothing too. Someone could count the rhythmic rises and falls of your chest for hours and there would never be a breath that came too early or late."

You felt yourself push against him, "Aiden stop!" You whispered harshly, "I don't want to be near you!"

He sighed into your hair, "That really makes me sad (Y/n). My brother and I invited you to the palace, gave you a good job, and all you want to do as thanks is give us harsh words. It pains my heart..."

Your hands fought with his arm that had a tight hold on you, "I didn't want this!" You shot back, "I was fine in the village without you two!"

"But we weren't. Its so lonely here sometimes that we just had to find someone to pass the time with. You do understand don't you dear?" He had moved his head and you could feel his breath on the side of your face.

"Then find someone else, not me! I don't like you guys!" You could feel him chuckle softly as he pulled you against him again.

"Dear (Y/n), I said don't say things like that. You don't have to try to convince yourself with false words." You felt him lean into the side of your face, "We know how you really feel." He whispered into your ear.

You felt your cheeks go red as you continually tried to push yourself away from him.

He laughed again, "See, your cheeks are red. You know I'm right don't you? Don't you (Y/n)?" He continued to whisper in your ear.

"My cheeks are red because I'm in an uncomfortable situation!" You hissed. "The day I start liking you people is the day I wear a collar and willingly become a dog, because that's all I'll be to you."

"I'll have to remember that." He replied as he cleared his throat, "Brother? Wake up. Dear (Y/n) has decided to grace us with her presence early in the morning."

You could hear someone stirring in the bed behind you as you continued to fight with Aiden over your close proximity to him.

"This early in the morning?" You heard Connor grumble.

"Yes, it appears she wakes up with the sun." Aiden replied with a laugh as he finally let go of you.

You shot up from the bed, your cheeks still red as you glared at him. You gave each of them a pointed look of distaste before turning and heading out into the living room.

"I wouldn't go anywhere (Y/n)." You heard Aiden call out.

You poked your head back in and scowled, "And why is that?"

One Desire (Yandere Twins x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now