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A bit long chapter ahead. Enjoy.
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Taehyung wakes up feeling cold all over his small body. He looks at his surroundings only to find himself soaking in......blood?!

He tried moving his body but he felt numb. His eyes caught a man standing near him, his lean back facing him.

"W-who are you?"

The man slowly turned his head to look at him. He has raven black hair, his eyes blazing red and his mouth...... he has fangs!

Taehyung felt his whole body freeze at the sight as fear envelopes him. The man moves forward, leaning closer to him.

"I am the alpha."





Taehyung felt out of breath as his sweat starts to drip from his forehead. Panicking, he clutched his loudly beating heart, afraid that it might fall out of his body any moment.

His breathing is erratic and his palms are excessively sweating from fear as he covers his face to stay calm.

He had another nightmare again, but a bit different from the previous ones. He clutched the hem of the blanket as if his life depended on it.

Who is that man and why does he appear in his dream?

Is he even a man? or a monster?

Taehyung has a lot of questions in his mind, bugging him even in his sleep. He has a feeling that his dreams are connected and the fear that he felt seems so real.


Taehyung remembered the word that kept on repeating in his dream. He quickly took his cellphone from the bedside table to search for the word.

A lot of definitions appeared in one click.

"Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet....." Taehyung read all the results from the search engine.

"Alpha means the beginning..." He shook his head, still not finding the answer that he's looking for.

He patiently scrolled until his eyes caught a word that somehow makes a relation to the one in his dream.

"An Alpha is a leader of a group...." Taehyung stared at this for awhile.

He remembered the fangs and the red blazing eyes of the man in his dream. What group is he leading?

His thumb scrolled down until he reached the bottom of the page where the suggested researches can be found.

He read the words, freezing and dropping his phone upon reading the last two words that made his insides tremble 'cause finally, his dream makes sense.

Alpha wolf.


Last class of the day, Taehyung and his classmates waited for their last teacher to come to their class.

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