Thirty Two

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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, his consciousness faltering at the rushed movement of the alpha. He can feel Jungkook's strong arms holding him close to his bare chest, his strides long and quick as they burst inside a room Taehyung recognized as the alpha's.

He saw Jungkook look at him with eyes mirroring something Taehyung can't put a word on. There are a lot of emotions in those dark eyes that has him confused of what's happening.

Taehyung felt the soft mattress against his back as Jungkook lays him there carefully. He instantly closed his eyes at the seering pain coming from all parts of his body, but mostly on his right arm. He bit his lower lip to suppress a groan from escaping as he tried to stay conscious.

He was attacked, and that's all he can remember.

Jungkook went out of his view as he heard him step away from him. After a while, the room was filled with a sound of water coming from the bathroom, filling the tub.

Taehyung heard steps coming toward him again. He felt the right side of the bed dip as Jungkook sits there, facing him. Only then Taehyung realized that Jungkook is naked. Probably because he shifted from his wolf form to his human form.

"You're badly hurt." Jungkook said in his deep voice that has Taehyung shivering.

"Let me heal you." He muttered, slowly removing Taehyung's bloodstained clothes.

The blonde can feel the alpha's rushed movement as he fumbles on his clothes, from his shirt down to his pants and brief until he's naked as well.

Taehyung felt the cold wind against his skin, making the pain sting a bit more. He groaned as the alpha lifted him, his wound brushing and pressing a little on Jungkook's chest. He was carried inside the bathroom where the sound of the flowing water intensifies as they near the tub.

Jungkook turned off the faucet, holding the blonde in one hand as he took his other hand near his mouth.

Taehyung saw Jungkook sink his fangs on his palm as blood starts to ooze out of the wound. He saw him place his bleeding palm above the tub, letting his blood fall on the clear water now being tainted with his blood.

Taehyung finds himself getting drawn by the alpha's blood slowly rolling down his hand and into the water. He stared at the water slowly turning redder in shade at the continuous flow of the alpha's blood.

He knows what the alpha is about to do. Jungkook is going to heal him with his blood just like what he did when he was still a child, and Taehyung felt his heart leap a thousand times.

Taehyung expects Jungkook to place him on the tub. However, the reality is even better than his expectations when Jungkook joins him, dipping both of them on the water red with his blood.

The blonde shivers as the cold water touched his naked body with his back pressed on the alpha's broad hard chest. He feels Jungkook's arms wrap around his slim waist, hugging him from the back and steadying him in place.

If only Taehyung isn't feeling pain all over his body, he would've squirmed on his seat, realizing that he's sitting on the alpha's thick thighs with his cock pressed just a little above his ass. However, he can't really focus on their position now as he feels his wounds seering in pain from slowly being healed.

Taehyung rested his head on the crook of Jungkook's neck, basking on the warmth coming from the latter. He felt his wounds slowly healing as Jungkook starts caressing them with his palms.

"Relax." Jungkook murmured, his hot breath fanning behind his right ear.

The blonde did what he's told. He lets himself relax, pressing his body against the alpha as he slowly closed his eyes. He felt himself getting dragged by sleep.

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