Thirty Nine

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The scene that welcomed Jungkook's return was beyond what he had dreaded to see.

There's fire everywhere, burning everything that touches the flame. The castle that once stood tall and proud in the middle is now full of red colors, mixed from fire and blood of his men and rogues combined.

His men's body were scattered on the bloody ground, innocent children sprawled dead and lifeless, while some still battle with the enemies.

Jungkook felt his heart clench at the sight. His mind was clouded with anguish and revenge as he forcefully takes down the rogues in a swipe, tearing their flesh and squeezing their blood off their body.

It was that moment when the alpha felt his wolf become ten times hungrier for blood. His aura made the wolves shiver in utter fear as the ground shakes with his every step.

The air thickened, making everyone breathless as they struggle to breathe, eyes hooded and focused on the pure blooded alpha who exudes the aura of a devil.

Some of the enemies backed away, legs shivering as they stare with afraid eyes.

It was as if death is walking towards them to take their life away.

Jungkook attacked to avenge his men. His movements are quick and certain, tearing and killing all the enemies that he sighted.

He saw Hoseok being toppled down by two wolves, his right leg crushed and almost torn away from his body, arms dripping with blood as he screams from pain.

The alpha rushed over, his thick black fur swaying as the wind gushed over him. He swatted the wolves with his calves, tearing off their head with his large sharp fangs.

Hoseok grunted, trying his best to stood with his left leg as he clutched onto his wounded right leg. He winced, struggling to move away from the raging alpha with his every step torturing him.

In the middle of it all, he suddenly felt strong arms over his shoulders, helping him to step out of the way.

"J-Jackson.." Hoseok mumbles, voice laced with pain as he keeps on stepping with his one foot.

"Hush. Let's get you out of here. Man! You look awful." Jackson remarked, trying to lighten up the pain Hoseok is feeling.

"T-talk about yourself.." Hoseok huffed, smirking at the taller man as he winced in pain.

Jackson looks beaten as well. His left eye almost closed as blood runs out from a cut on his eyelid. He has a bite mark on his left side, where another pool of blood is gushing like a river.

"These fuckers came prepared." Jackson muttered, settling Hoseok down on a pillar, hidden from the battleground.

Hoseok quickly slumped down, resting his back on the pillar, his breathing ragged and stiff.

"F-fuck.. This shit hurts like hell." Hoseok grunted with his eyes closed from the seering pain on his leg.

"Man up. That wound won't kill you." Jackson pressed his hands on top of his shoulders. "Stay here. I'll help the others."

Hoseok nodded his head. "If you die, I-I'm going after you in hell to kill you again." He warned, simply wanting Jackson to stay alive at all cost.

"I'm tougher than Satan, bitch. I won't get killed. You do the same." Jackson tapped Hoseok's shoulders once more as he stood and rushed back to the bloody battle where his alpha is wrecking havoc.

Wails and painful cries echoed in the whole place with the sound of the burning flames and howls, making anyone who hears shiver in fear.

Jimin, Yoongi and Jackson watched in horror and amusement as the alpha killed the remaining wolves in a snap, his snout dripping with blood from the countless rogues he slaughtered.

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