Forty Five

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To say that Jungkook is panicking might be the biggest understatement of the century.

He's terrified deep down to his bones, freezing him instantly to where he stood as waves of mixed emotions came surging down to his whole being.

Taehyung is missing.

The alpha couldn't process the scene that welcomed him. He doesn't know whether to feel ecstatic knowing that Taehyung might have finally woken up, or be horrified at the fact that he couldn't find him anywhere inside the room.

Jungkook forced himself to move, though his strength seemed to have left him. He rushed over the bathroom to check on his love, but found the whole room empty.

His heart keeps on pounding in erratic beats as he heaves on deep breaths to stay focused amid the internal chaos he's been experiencing.

The ravenette tried his best to stay calm in order for his brain to function clearly. He scanned the room, his sharp eyes finally noticed the door leading to the balcony a bit open.

Jungkook ran towards the door, gripping too tightly on the knob, almost breaking it in such a rush and panic.

The cold wind of the night touches his troubled face. He smells something as the wind gushed once more.

His sharp eyes looked around, his senses heightened twice from the normal.

From the balcony railing, Jungkook saw a red stain, a bit unnoticeable from a long distance. He quickly moved forward as the smell strengthens.

Jungkook's eyes widened, finally realizing what the stain was.


And it only took him a second to realize it's Taehyung's blood.

His eyes travelled down the floor, seeing few more drops of blood there.

"Oh God!" Jungkook felt out of breath at the realization. His mind became hazy, feeling all sorts of emotions he couldn't handle.

The ravenette couldn't control his wolf from taking over, being driven by his frustration and fear.

He howled, alerting all the other wolves in an instant.

They heard the distress call of the alpha, realizing that something bad might have happened.

Jungkook's men were quick to attend to their alpha's call. Hoseok and the others immediately went in the room where they could feel the alpha's strong presence.

Hoseok saw his alpha standing in the middle of Taehyung's room, his eyes bloody red.

"Alpha." Hoseok mumbles, finally noticing that the room is empty. He gasped, now understanding why the alpha sounded distressed and troubled.

"Taehyung is missing." Jungkook stated, voice terrifying, sending chills down the spine of the other wolves.

Yoongi gasped, his eyes wide in horror. "He's awake?"

Jungkook nodded his head as he moves out of the room. His men quickly backed away to give him space, afraid of getting in his nerves, seeing the terrifying look on his face.

"Did anyone notice him leave this room from that balcony?" the ravenette asked, eyes landing on each werewolf in front of him.

Everyone lowered down their heads, a sign that no one noticed. There was a long silence until Hoseok suddenly decided to speak.

"You think he went out of his room from the balcony?" He asked, voice full of worry.

Jungkook nodded his head. "There are blood stains on the balcony. He might've left from there."

Mateless Alpha  |  KOOKV ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ