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"Hey Tae... Tae..."

The brunet felt a shake on his shoulders as he slowly opens his eyes. He was met by Bogum's face near his, smiling widely.

"Wake up sleepy head. The rangers are already calling us out for breakfast. Let's go!"

Taehyung is so confused. He looked around and found himself lying on a makeshift mattress inside their tent.

How did he get there?

" did I get back here?" Taehyung asked, confusion written all over his handsome face.

"What do you mean? Are you still half asleep?" Bogum laughed a little at the younger's question.

"No.. no I mean... I-I was lost somewhere in the forest last night! a-and I saw something unexplainable and t-then I was bitten here! Here!" Taehyung showed the junction of his neck and shoulder blade to show the mark.

"And then I don't know how to go back so I just followed my feet but now I'm here?! How in the world did I get back?!" He blabbers with frantic eyes.

Bogum just stared at him, his face in the verge of breaking into laughters.


He laughed so loud his body is shaking as tears of joy start to form in his eyes. He clutched his stomach, feeling a pain in his abdomen from too much laughing.

"Oh my god Tae! What in the world are you saying? Are you still dreaming?" Bogum wiped away his tears, trying to control himself from laughing once again.

Taehyung knotted his forehead, glaring at his best friend. He exposed his neck once more to point his evidence

"It's not a dream! Here! Here is the proof!  That man bit me here!" Tae eagerly showed the area where he was bitten.

Bogum came near him to inspect. He stared and searched for the mark that Taehyung is fussing about.

"OUCH!" Taehyung shouted, covering his neck. Bogum had slapped him in the neck a little, after finding nothing there.

"Mark? There's not even a mosquito bite there. What the fuck Tae. Wake up! That's just a dream for Pete's sake." Bogum said in a resigned voice.

"No hyung! That's impossible! Look clearly.. there should be a mark here!" Taehyung uttered, searching for the mark. "Or maybe it's here.." he checked the left side of his neck but there is still no mark.

Bogum shakes his head, finally getting tired from listening. "Whatever. Let's just go out now okay? I'm famished." He opened the zipper of the tent before going out. "You follow after fixing yourself okay? You look like a mess. And please wear a shirt. I can't believe you sleep shirtless from this cold."

"B-but hyung! I'm telling the truth!" Taehyung added, but Bogum is no longer in his sight, rushing toward the makeshift dining area.

"That's not a dream... I know it's not.." He mumbled to himself.

Everything that happened that night is stil fresh from his mind. The feeling of fear and amazement still linger in his body. And most of all, the face of the mysterious man still haunts him, his sharp fearsome blazing eyes, his prominent nose, his cherry red lips, so soft to look at, his raven hair as dark as the night, and his fangs that send shivers down the boy's spine.

And the fact that he can change from human to wolf.

It's not a dream!

It's not a dream!...


Taehyung doesn't know anymore. He removed his blanket and lazily gets up, only to fall back down again, feeling pain in his legs as if he ran a marathon. He looked at them and realized he has cuts and bruises all over. He checked his upper body and found cuts in his arms too.

It's not a dream!

"YES!" Taehyung shouted, throwing his fists in the air.

For someone who almost experienced death, Taehyung is the happiest.

At last he knew that the man is real and not just a product of his wild dream. He's real and there's a chance that he'll meet him again.


Everyone is busy packing their things and getting ready to go home, well almost everyone.

"Hey baby, why are you still not packing?"

Taehyung did not answer. He just stared down on the ground, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Hey, look at hyungie... Is there a problem?"

The brunet just shakes his head and sighed, finally accepting the fact that he'll probably never see him again.

Last night, after the second day activities are done, Taehyung sneaked out of the tent, hoping to go back to the place where he saw the man. He doesn't care if there's a low chance of seeing him again, and high risk of being in trouble. He still tried, however, even before he can make 10 steps away from the tent, one of the forest rangers saw him and scolded him. He didn't have a choice but to go back inside the tent until he falls asleep.

Now, they are already leaving, and Taehyung is feeling even more upset. He wants to stay, how foolish that sounds, but it's true. He really wants to find and see him again.

"Hey baby, I'm not used to seeing you like this. Did something happen?" Jin worriedly lifted the boy's face so he can get a clear look.

Taehyung, still looking down, bites his tongue to prevent himself from saying anything that no one will obviously believe. He just shakes his head once more, forcefully trying to show a smile on his face.

"You sure?" Jin asked, still worried over his brother's behavior.

"...Yes hyung." Taehyung replied, fake smile plastered in his face.

"I'll pack my things now, hyung." He said, speeding away.

Jin worriedly stared at his brother, before going back inside his own tent where Namjoon is busy packing their things.

After minutes of waiting, the bus finally arrived. The students bid their goodbyes, and thanked the forest rangers who made their stay enjoyable and fun.

The three bothers find their seats inside the bus, with Taehyung requesting to sit next to the window.

The brunet just stared outside, his mind is far away, as the bus finally moves out of the campsite. He just looked outside, knowing that he has left something important in that place.

His heart.


Just a filler chapter.

Love you. 💜

Mateless Alpha  |  KOOKV ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon