02 | Camp Mirkhaven

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   PETER REALLY LIKED RILEY. There was no doubt about it. Peter Parker really, really, really liked Riley Stark.

   They had known each other for a long time now. They knew each other like the back of their own hands. They had a connection that was so powerful, so compelling to the point where even Ned interrogated him about it sometimes, always wondering if there was something more. Peter didn't understand why.

   After all, Peter and Riley were just really good friends.

   Today was July 17th, 2023, otherwise known as the first official day of Midtown's summer camp. Months had gone by since the war had ended. Between the brutal recovery process, being grounded for eternity, and the nightmares he kept to himself, Peter was doing surprisingly well. He was spending less time patrolling in order to reconnect with his loved ones and relax. After all, he deserved a break just as much as the other Avengers.

   The only problem wasn't the fact that Peter was unable to avoid the constant reminders of the grisly war; it was the fact that Riley Stark had completely ghosted him (and not in a funny way). He thought about her enough as is, but now that they hadn't spoken in a month, Peter was worried.

   "Just one more question before we let you go," declared the radio show host. Peter stared out the window in May's car, watching the tall buildings of the city turn into trees as they headed toward Camp Mirkhaven. "Everyone wants to know: What's next for Riley Stark and the Avengers?"

   Riley's voice came in through the speakers as she said, "Uh... If I'm being honest, I'm just trying to figure out how I can train the family alpaca to babysit my little sister." Peter smiled when he heard her little laugh. "That kid is seriously a handful."

   "Wait, wait, back up. The Starks have a family alpaca?"

   "Mhm, his name's Gerald! Don't ask me why. Mom hates him because he eats all her Gogis. I think we have him because Morgan wanted a pony and Tony didn't, so they compromised."

   Peter smiled to himself as he listened to Riley speak. They hadn't actually spoken to each other since the wedding, never mind texted in weeks. He didn't know why.

   He knew she was insanely busy and he respected that, but then Ned said he and Riley had texted back and forth a few times recently. Now, Peter was just confused. Had he done something wrong?

   "But to answer your question, the details aren't very interesting," shyly confessed Riley. "I plan on just... taking a step back, really. I don't actually have any responsibilities as the Avengers leader until the new HQ is rebuilt."

Adventures in Babysitting ↠ Peter Parker [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now