14 | Us Vs. The World

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   RESTLESS WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. Riley wasn't just restless, nor was she just jittery. She was a mixing bowl of worry, her thoughts being the ingredients. If it wasn't clear by now, Riley did not know how to conduct a press conference. Interviews were one thing, but press conferences were another, multiplied by ten.

   What Riley said today could quite literally define the next few years of her life. There wasn't anyone to back her up either. The only person Riley could depend on was herself, and after Steve Rogers left the world in Riley's hands, she couldn't afford another screw-up.

   After the public's reaction to her previous "resurrection", Riley was just a little traumatized. She had never felt so much hatred from so many people all at once—not since her days as a young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, at least.

   "I don't think I've ever seen you like this," admitted Peter Parker. He sat on her bed casually, watching as Riley paced throughout her and MJ's cabin.

   There was only half an hour until Riley was supposed to clear the air with the public, and it was clear that Riley wasn't ready. At least, she didn't feel ready.

   Riley suddenly stopped in her tracks. "I have an idea."

   Peter perked up. "Really? That was fast. What is it?"

   Approaching him with a smile, Riley calmly said, "I need you to punch me in the throat."

   Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna punch you, Riles."

   Riley pouted and sat down on her bed. She laid down while Peter sat up straight. "I can take a hit better than I can take criticism," she grumbled.

   Peter was unsure of how to help Riley. The closest he'd been to Riley's situation was a Socratic Seminar in his English class last year, and he knew for a fact that those sucked. Let's just say that if humanity depended on Peter successfully getting a word in during a Socratic Seminar, Earth would be doomed.

   "What if I say something wrong and everyone hates me again?" Riley mumbled.

   "I don't get it," admitted Peter. "You've done a bunch of interviews before. Why are you all nervous now?"

   "Because those interviews were about Thanos and the Decimation and time travel," she listed. "That's all easy stuff. But now everyone's putting me on the spot and it's giving my anxiety anxiety."

Adventures in Babysitting ↠ Peter Parker [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now