Chapter 37

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Along the journey to London, Darcy had ample time to think over his plan to find Wickham and Lydia Bennet. Certain that Wickham had kept up his relations with Mrs Younge, Georgiana's former companion, Darcy resolved upon contacting her.

The moment he had stepped into his London townhouse, he headed for his study. Being a man who preferred a neat, ordered method of keeping records, it was not long before he had located the information on Mrs Younge when she had been in his service.

And so it was, that evening found Darcy in a relatively bad part of London.

The streets were crowded, dirty and noisy. Children ran along the road, heedless of the carts and horses. Here and there a drunk lounged in the gutter, women drying clothes at the window shouted across the street regardless of who heard them.

Darcy did his best to ignore the sounds as well as the stares people aimed at him, obviously unused to seeing a gentlemen in their midst. He looked at each house, searching for the one rented by Mrs Younge.

Finally he came across it. He rapped on the door. The door opened slightly and a man opened it. Darcy could not see much of his face, but the man's eyes had the look of one who was hunted. Not recognising Darcy as anyone he knew, the man opened the door wider.

"Can I 'elp you sir?" he asked.

"Yes. Is there a Mrs Younge here?"

"Mrs Younge? You'd be talking 'bout the lady who rented this place afore me." He made as if to shut the door. Darcy held it open.

"Do you know where she has moved to?"

The man looked Darcy up and down.

"I might . . . "

Darcy reached into his pocket and took out a few coins of relatively high denomination.

The money was taken. The man glanced at it and shoved somewhere into the recesses of is grimy apron.

"She's moved to Edward Street. Left this place 'cause some of the dealings she held 'ere were less than legal." He scowled. "The runners keep coming here now and again."

But you have not informed them about her. No doubt you also have shady dealings to hide.

"And where is Edward Street?" asked Darcy coldly.

The man grumbled but said, "It's somewhere over thataway."

Darcy held up two more coins.

The man closed the door behind him and walked down the street, pointing directions.

"Alright sir. Walk down to the end of the street and turn right. Then across the square and turn left. Then go to the third street on the left, under the arch, and it's either the fourth or fifth road on your right."

Darcy repeated this to the man, making sure he remembered it all.

"You're good. Get a drink for the gentlemen!" he yelled to a someone.

A boy appeared with a cup of water. Darcy drank it gratefully and gave the boy a shilling.

"I thank you sir for the information," said he to the anonymous man.

"Always ready to help you gentle-folk," replied he. He grinned toothily. "What you be wanting Mrs Younge for anyway, eh?"

"I need to settle an account," replied Darcy, his face hard.

Determined, he set off again, leaving the unknown member of the populace standing, wondering.


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