chapter 3

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"hi! you're gorgeous" i said softly. i didn't want her to know i knew who she was. i wasn't sure how big she was but i didn't want to fan girl either way.

"you can't even talk baby. have you seen yourself?" she said, very confidently. baby..

i've been told by almost everyone i meet that i'm beautiful or pretty. and that's not even me being cocky, it's just true. i've never seen it though.

i have medium length blonde hair, with a small waist but relatively "thick" thighs. full lips and green eyes. but, her telling me that i was pretty was different. i got butterflies.

"oh my god, thank you. how do you know what i look like? i hope conan didn't show you, he has the worst pictures of me."

i could hear her chuckle. which, kind of threw me off guard. why was she laughing? did he show her bad pictures of me?

"nah, i scrolled through ur instagram. you're beautiful. i hear you live around here?"

my heart skipped a beat. did she wanna hang out?

"yeah, if you're in la. i live near brentwood." i said, knowing she'd say something about how nice the neighborhood was. everybody always did.

"whew. that's an ode neighborhood. i grew up in highland park." she laughed. she's so cute.

i didn't answer at first, i wasn't sure what to say. but she knew how to carry conversation well, so the next thing i knew she was telling me the address to where they were,  and asking for my number.

i'm glad i didn't find her sooner honestly. i'd be seriously fangirling right now. but she was so, normal. i still haven't checked her instagram to see how big she was either.

"yeah, i'll be right over. is it a house? club?"

"it's just my house. don't do any fuck shit and leak my address though" she said, sounding serious.

i sent her my number and then immediately went to instagram. i needed to check out this girl.

i clicked onto instagram and just searched "billie eilish," considering the fact i didn't know her username, but i figured it was just her name. there was a verified account, with about 4mil followers. @wherearetheavocados? she's funny.

i wasn't expecting a verified account, or that many followers though. after all, she'd only had a few songs on soundcloud, and they didn't have a ton of views. hm.

i went onto spotify, searching her name to see what all popped up. maybe i missed something on soundcloud? or maybe she's just bigger than i imagined.

the first thing that came up on the screen was her top songs. ocean eyes was first, but then were were a few songs i hadn't seen. i hadn't seen any of them, actually.

they all had the same cover, which means it was most likely an album. it was her sitting under what looked like a red easel, with a yellow background. i scrolled further down and then i saw the answer to my question. "don't smile at me, EP by Billie Eilish" cool.

*incoming text*
september 21, 6:36pm
hey, it's billie.
oh hey. it's kat.

yeah i know that much,

come over already. i
wanna meet you.

i smiled. this whole situation is still so weird considering the fact i was just listening to her a few hours ago. but it's really cool. she seems really cool.

i got ready, not fixing my outfit or anything. just throwing on some concealer, mascara, and filling in my eyebrows a little.

i got in my car after grabbing my charger and a change of clothes (you never know if you're gonna be staying somewhere) and started the engine. i immediately connected my phone to my car bluetooth so i can listen to the EP.

her house was about 40 minutes away so i had time to drive and listen to the whole EP. i clicked shuffle play and immediately an upbeat song started playing. it wasn't like anything i'd ever heard from her.

as the lyrics started playing, she seemed to be talking about murder but the song was still fire. definitely something i'd listen to.

thirty minutes goes by and the EP ended and i honestly loved it. her music is so diverse and she has a few different styles. shes unique.

i pull up to the nicely sized house, and i see about six people sitting outside. i recognize aiden, conan, and of course billie. but there's a short haired ginger boy, and a girl with strawberry blonde hair sitting beside him. and another girl that i couldn't really make out.

billie looks excited when she sees my car park, and she walks over to the car, not even speaking to anyone before she leaves.

she's even prettier in person.

ahhh :')
i hope you enjoyed this chapter, you get to see a lot of billies personality and also katherine/kat's. leave feedback pleaseee<3

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