chapter 5

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*****KATS POV*****

i smile as i open my car door, about to leave billies house. but i mean, i really did not wanna leave. we hung out for hours and hours but i never got bored of her. sure, it was awkward but it was never boring. she was just so interesting.

i looked out the window as i was pulling out and saw her standing on the porch, still watching me. she had a small pout on her face.

before i pulled out of her driveway, i blasted my boy. her face went from a pout to shocked. i never mentioned that i'd listened to her music.

i drove down the neighborhood roads until i got closer to my house, but i take a left instead of a right. i wanted to go to my thinking place.

i always go to this small park full of lights and plants where the wind is always just calm and steady.

my notebook was already in my car so i could just sit there and write. they had a few hammocks and seating areas so i just sit and listen to music while i write down my feelings.

as i pull in, i notice there's a few more people here than usual. a lot of hippies or teenage girls hang out here, it's a popular spot. but this time there were way more adults.

my spot is way farther back into the park so i didn't really mind the people. but i was just a little curious. they seemed kinda off too. maybe drunk.

i tried not to think about it too much as i wandered off to the place i always sit. i look through soundcloud to find my playlist and realize i never texted billie back.


miss u already.

i laughed at the text she sent earlier. i had never checked it because i was less than ten feet away from her and i knew it was her. she's so charming and flirty. but, i think that's just her personality.

i texted her back, just saying a simple "hey." i didn't wanna be too annoying but i wanted to talk to her.

i sat down, and began writing about billie and how great our day was. she really was so sweet and funny. and, ironically, my phone dings with a text from her as i'm writing.

hi lovely. wyd?

lovely, huh. that's cute.
i texted back, just telling her that i was at the park. i set my phone down again, not expecting my phone to ding as soon as i set it down. but, it did. she texts back fast.

but before i could ever read her text, i got an incoming call from her.

"hey, what's up. i was just about to check ur text" i said firmly.

"yeah i know but i wanted to hear your voice. anyways, ur already out right? and not too far?"

i was a little confused why she was asking, but i just told her i was only about 15 minutes from her house and that i was gonna leave soon.

"why? obviously not in a rude way but like why are you asking."

"i was wondering if you'd wanna come back over, but stay tonight. everybody else already left except for finneas, obviously. i wanted to hang out some more."

i mean, how could i turn that down. i grinned and told her i'd ask my dad real quick. i'm glad i brought the extra clothes.

i hung up and texted my dad, asking if i could stay at my friend's house. he answered pretty quickly saying he didn't mind, so i texted billie saying i'd be right over. i'm so fucking excited.

i drive back towards her house, this time playing my regular music.

once i get there, she's already sitting on the ledge of her front porch, waiting for me. she seemed to have been just watching the driveway for my car. kinda cute.

i stepped out and walked towards her porch, locking my car doors and slipping the keys into my back pocket.

i hugged her as soon as i stepped onto her porch, and she hugged me right back, even tighter. she honestly gives really nice and warm hugs.

we walked straight to her room from the kitchen instead of the living room which means i didn't get to see her mom. that kinda made me upset, her mom was the sweetest.

her red lights were already on, music already playing and there was an indent in her bedsheets where she'd been sitting. she seemed to always be comfy in here.

she sat down, in the spot farthest from the wall, patting the spot next to her meaning i'd need to climb over her to even get there. i climbed over and sat beside her, looking at her and not really knowing what to say at first.

she started conversation, asking how my park visit was and why i visited that "lame park." i'm guessing she wasn't a fan of calm and quiet places.

i explained to her that i always sit and think and draw or write when i go there and her face immediately lit up.

"what kind of writing? like songs?" she said, still smiling.

"no no, i'm not that talented. just like diary entries or poems and shit. nothing interesting." i said. but her face changed when i said that.

"dude. poems are so dope. it's genuinely just a song without music. and writing ur feelings is always good. you draw too?"

we sat and talked about how we get our feelings out and writing for a good hour. then, she brought up her music. i'd kinda been hoping she'd do that.

"yeah. i write music and i'm sure u know now considering u played my song earlier but, i'm an artist i guess you could say. i don't know. i don't like to dive too deep into it. kinda makes me think too much about fame." she said, very humble but also serious.

i had explained to her the whole story of how i found her and how i'd listened to her afterwards and then conan called, and i recognized her from the song covers. then i listened to her EP in the car in the way to her house.

we kind of just chilled for the rest of the night, talking about random shit here and there. we didn't realize how long we'd been talking until it was 4am and we could barely keep our eyes open. but i think we both knew we wanted to keep talking. i could listen to her talk for days.

"maybe we should lay down. we can keep talking until we fall asleep if you want though. but i need some damn sleep" billie said, laughing at the end. i could tell by her eyes how tired she was.

she pulled out a comforter and some extra pillows for me and set them up on the bed, but i was already sitting on the floor.

"bro what are u doing in the floor" she said, which kinda startled me.

"oh i was gonna make a palette on the floor, i was just gonna use those-" i started saying before she cut me off.

"no no no no. you're sleeping up here. we can share a bed yaknow, i won't bite." she said, winking.

"oh well i guess i just figured-" she cut me off again.

"shut up and get in bed, cute ass." she said. i couldn't hold back my smile and i could feel myself start to blush.

i went to her bathroom to change into my pajamas before walking back into her room. she was wearing a tank top and shorts, which was exactly what i was wearing too.

i climbed into the inside of the bed, in between her and the wall. we both laid down, and as i turned over so i wasn't facing the wall, her face was directly in front of mine. woah our faces are close.

she didn't say anything about our faces being close though. she just started conversation, and before we even knew it we were both asleep.

but what i wasn't expecting was to wake up in the middle of the night, with billie cuddling my side, her arm wrapped around me and her head on my chest. but god, i was not complaining.

over 1000 words ooo, this chapters pretty long but i think it's fairly interesting.

leave feedback here!!

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