chapter 37

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Katherine's POV

"Jesus you look bad."

"Yeah, thanks Madison."

"No worries."

Just the person I didn't want to see. Not now, not today, not ever.

As soon as she walked in, she looked straight at Billie, rolling her eyes. Most likely just mad that she isn't in her position. She could never be.

"I heard about what happened and wanted to make sure you were okay. But, I see your famous little girl toy came to do that before I could." She said, looking back and forth between Billie and I.

"Bitch." Billie said, scoffing towards her.

"You got something to say baby? Because I don't care if you're a little perky teenage prodigy, I will beat your ass." Madison says, cracking her knuckles.

Madison's always been that one trashy teenage girl who will fight anybody over literally anything. She's done god knows how many drugs and parties all the time, not really caring about her well being. Always into some type of trouble. I don't even know why I ever dated her.

"Madison shut the fuck up. Nobody wanted you here in the first place. You literally came up here for nothing." I said, wincing as my lip began to split.

She replied with a chuckle, before she rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna go now. Don't wanna cause any issues. Sorry for caring." She said.

She walked out, grabbing my juice from the tray above my bed.

"How the fuck did you ever deal with her?" Billie said, standing up to walk to my bed. She pressed her fingers to her lips, kissing them and then placing them on my lips.

"Dealt with her for a year and a half. She used to be a lot better, though."

Billie laughed.

The nurse walked in, holding a clipboard and a bag with my original clothes in them. The ones that my dad gave the doctors, I'm guessing. Considering the fact that I had none when they picked me up.

"You're ready to go home today!" She said, handing me the clipboard. "You just need to sign a few forms and wait until your dad gets in here. We already called him in."

I nodded, taking the pen in my hands, flipping through the pages, signing all the tens of thousands of signature lines. Hospitals are a hassle.

Finneas never came in here, which made me kinda sad. I miss his dumb ass.

I handed the clipboard back to the nurse, right as three men walked in.

"Billie O'Connell?" One of them said, pointing to her as she sat and waited in the chair beside me.

"Yes?" She replied, confused.

"Come with us. We need to ask you a few things." He said, summoning her with his hands.

She blew me a kiss before walking out the door.

The nurse left as well, and so I sat in the room alone.


"I think they found Kira." Billie said, walking back into the room.

She looked stressed and overwhelmed, but whenever she looked at me she still smiled.

She'd been gone for about an hour, and my dad already got into the room, but I didn't want to leave without her.

Before I could even reply about Kira, the Nurse came in.

"Alright, you're all set. Just take these prescriptions to the pharmacy and get them filled and you should be good." She said, handing me a paper with a list of medicines.

I got out of the bed, flinching at the pain, but I ignore it because I don't want to bother anybody. It'll go away soon either way.

I walk up next to Billie, finally being as close to her as I've been in the past two weeks.

I still haven't told my dad about us, but I'm almost positive he knows.

"Can I go to Billie's tonight? I haven't seen her in a while and I just need to spend time with her for atleast a night." I asked my dad.

"Yeah, that's fine." He said, not seeming to happy about it.

I thanked him, walking off with Billie, Finneas, and Maggie. It's so sweet that they all came to see me.

We all walked out to the parking lot, finally getting to see actual daylight.

"How do you feel?" Maggie asked as we got into her car.

"I feel okay. Still in pain but it's okay." I replied.

I buckled my seatbelt, as I felt a hand grab mine. Billie smiled, then turned her head to look out the window.

I smiled back, but she didn't see me.

I put my head on her shoulder, and we didn't really talk the entire ride home. We just listened to Maggie's music, and I think this is the first time I've been in a car with Billie where she didn't car mosh.

It was so peaceful. Just being in her presence, quietly and calmly.

But, I can't wait until we get back to her house and we can talk about her entire trip and what I missed. I missed hearing her talk about dumb interviewers.


hi!! so this chapter honestly really sucks and i don't like it, but i felt like i needed to upset. i'm sorry if it's bad, i promise the next one will be better. i love you all & thank you so much for the endless support in this story. mwah 💖

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