chapter 42

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Billie's POV:

"Goodnight everybody. I love you all so much, thank you for coming out to see me." I say as I give the crowd a big air hug.

I just finished the third show of the tour, Chicago.

I run backstage as a copycat plays over the loud speakers and I hear everybody singing along.

I smile as I hear "Sike, bitch." come from the crowd.

Tonight's been a good show. The venue had about 1300 people, and they were all screaming my lyrics. It always shocks me no matter how many shows I do.

"You did so good!" Ella runs up to me saying, giving me a big hug.

She decided to join the tour very last minute since she went to the first show, she talked to my manager about it and immediately was put on because my mom loves her.

She's great company though. She's super sweet and funny and always knows exactly what to say. I really missed her.

Next, I see Katherine walking backstage, running to me to hug me.

"Hi baby." I say, rocking her back in forth in the hug.

"I really don't think I'm ever going to get over how insane that crowd is. And how insane you are on stage." She says, smiling. She places a small kiss on my lips.

I look over to talk to Ella again, but I guess she walked away.

"Billie!" I hear as I walk towards the green room, with Katherine's hand in mine.

I turn around to see Ella again, waving me down to get my attention.


"Can I come to the green room with you? I don't know anybody else backstage."

I don't ever let anybody come into the green room with me directly after a show. I only let Katherine because well, she's Katherine.

"Sorry, but I need some alone time." I say, frowning.

"Two people isn't alone." She says, rolling her eyes at Katherine. "But whatever." She scoffs, walking the other direction.

"What's her issue?" Katherine says, looking just as confused as I am.

"No idea."

We continue walking to the green room, and I unlock the door with the key my manager gave me, locking it behind us once we get inside.

"I want a burrito." I say, walking towards the fridge.

I always stay stocked on beans no matter where I am. Them shits good as hell.

Katherine sits down on the couch, scrolling through instagram.

"The meet and greet pictures from today are so cute." She says, turning her phone to show me a picture of me and a girl who looks fairly familiar.

"Dude, that girl's been to like five of my shows. Barricade for all of them. She went to like three shows last tour, and she went to tonights." I say, chewing the burrito that I had just finished microwaving.

"That's four, baby."

"Oh, whatever."

I sit down on the couch, snuggling next to Katherine as I look at the pictures and videos that all the fans took today during the show.

"Billie, it's me." I hear coming from the door, following a knock.

I can tell it's Finneas, so I open the door, and I'm welcomed by Finneas and a tall, black haired girl.

her ocean eyes // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now