chapter 6

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kat's pov

i start to go back to sleep after waking up to billie cuddling me, turning slightly sideways so i'm also sort of cuddling her too. her body's so warm and comfy.

*incoming call from Dad*


it was 8am and the call woke both me and billie up.

"hello?" i said, leaning back on billies headboard, looking at her and mouthing "dad." she nodded.

"you need to come home, now. the house is destroyed. some fucking teenagers came in and trashed the place. i'll call the police soon." he said sternly, worrying me. i guess billie saw the worry on my face because she shifted towards me, seeming concerned.

i hang up the phone after saying okay, turning to billie.

"i have to go bil, i'm sorry. some teenagers trashed my house. probably my ex." i said, standing up to collect myself.

"ew. teenage boys suck, i'm sorry. i can come help? i had some things planned for us today that i was gonna ask about later." she said, smiling. that damn smile.

"teenage girls are worse, especially my ex. anyways, yeah, that should be fine." i said. trying to pretend like i didn't just come out to her.

"oh, you're into girls?" she said, she seemed kind of happy about it.

"yeah, only girls. boys are icky. now, come on. my dad's waiting." i said, grabbing her hand to pull her out of bed.

she got up, going to her closet to grab a hoodie and knee length , baggy shorts. she immediately started changing in front of me. i looked away quickly, not wanting her to think i was into her.

"you can look all u want, i don't mind shorty." she said, winking and smiling. she walked over to her shoe rack, grabbing a pair of shoes that matched her outfit. she dresses so fire.

we walk out the door, this time walking through the living room, her mom smiles at me as i walk out.

"well, hey kat. i didn't know you were here." she said, still with a smile.

i turned to billie, confused.

"you didn't ask your mom if i could stay?" i asked her, kind of feeling like i wasn't a guest.

"nah, she doesn't care, she loves you. right mom?" she said happily, turning to her. as her mom nodded.

i still felt weird about it but it's okay. before leaving, billie told her mom we'd be cleaning the house and then going out somewhere.

she didn't tell me where we were going yet, or even ask. but it's fine. i loved hanging out with her.

we stepped off the porch, walking towards the car when i get a call from conan.

"hey dude!" i say excitedly, switching the call from audio to facetime, so i can see him.

"hey, are you busy? we need to talk." he said, definitely serious. jesus, everyone's serious today.

"i'm with billie, about to go to my house." i said, turning the camera to her as she was putting her seatbelt on.

his facial expression changed, as he quickly said "nevermind! text me later, love you!" before hanging up abruptly.

"that was so weird." i said to billie. she just laughed and shrugged. i tried not to think too much of it.

i started the engine, connecting the bluetooth to my car and playing music. billie started dancing and moshing to herself in the car so i'm guessing she liked the song. she's so goofy.

we drove for 40 minutes to my house, where two cop cars sat, my dad speaking to them.

two cops were talking to him, but three other cops were talking to somebody else in the yard, but i couldn't see them because the cops were too tall.

billie didn't see me confused looking at the other person, so she asked the oblivious question, "who's that over there?" pointing to the other cops, and as soon as she said that the cops walked away and there revealed the girl.


"ugh. fuck. it's my ex. you can stay here if you want, she's a bitch." i said, even though i wanted her to be there with me. i feel safe with her.

"no way, i'm going over there." she said, getting out of the car before i even had the chance to.

we both walked towards madison, but as soon as we started, madison's facial expression changed from sad to happy. i wasn't expecting that.

"babe!" she called out. my face didn't change at all.

"don't call me that. what the fuck are you doing here. did you trash my house?" i said, obviously mad. billie grabbed my arm firmly, just holding me close so i wouldn't do anything.

"it was my friends not me, calm down sweetheart." she said, still acting as if we were together. all i did was scoff.

we argued back and forth for what seems like forever. turns out she did trash my house, along with her friends. i haven't even seen the house yet but i knew just based off what i've seen them do before, it was gonna be bad.

eventually, madison left and it was just me, my dad, and billie left to clean up. we walked into the house and all i could do was hold my jaw open.

there was spray paint all over the walls, trash everywhere and piles of sawdust everywhere. that was their specialty. it was hell to clean up, and they knew that. that's why they did it.

"oh god. so she's craaazy crazy." billie said. i felt bad for making her clean with me.

"hey do you want me to take you home? i don't want u to have to clean this up, it isn't your mess or your problem." i said, kinda sad. i didn't want her to leave i just wanted to make her comfortable.

"fucks no" she said, causing my dad to cock his head towards her. "sorry" she said to him.

"i wanna help clean, we can make it fun" she said, giggling.

we started cleaning, laughing and joking about everything. time went by so fast.

before we even knew it, it was 3:30 pm and everything was fixed, except for the spray paint. dad said we could take a break and come back to the painting later, so that's what we did.

we both had saw dust all over us, and we smelled like trash. i needed a shower, and so did she but i only had one bathroom that had a shower, and that was the one in my room.


okay so in the past, i made the setting of the story in september of 2017, where she had way under 1mil but i wanted to change the setting to september of 2018. i feel like billies personality in this story fits her personality better in 2018 than 2017. i also want billie to be a little bigger in the story for plot reasons. i hope this isn't too confusing ! i edited the story to change it already:)

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