chapter 10

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**billies pov**


"stoppp," kat whined as i continuously flicked paint from my paintbrush on her. her dad asked us to get up early today to paint over the spray painted walls.

we only got four hours of sleep and we were running on no caffeine, just the adrenaline from our laughter. which in my defense, everything was funnier since we hadn't gotten much sleep.

i grabbed the paint roller, rubbing the maroon paint all over the walls in ten different directions. i obviously had no idea what i was doing.

"bil, you're gonna mess up the paint," she stood behind me, grabbing my hand and guiding the paintbrush to go in one direction. "there you go, keep doing that."

i did what she asked until half the wall was finished. she still needed to do her entire side of the wall, which somehow she'd been taking forever on.

i grabbed a paintbrush and out white paint on it, sneaking behind kat and softly brushing her face with it.

"oh my god, i'm gonna get you." she said, chasing me around with an even bigger paintbrush.

i ran around in circles until we both got out of breath. i won.

"okay fine, i'll just get you back another time." she said in between pants.

i stood up directly in front of her, before a paintbrush hit my face.

"just kidding. gotcha." she said, sounding accomplished.

she was so goofy, she made me really just wanna laugh and smile all the time. i've never been around someone this long and not get tired of them.

kat finished her side of the wall, and suggested we go grab food and preferably coffee while the paint dries. i definitely was not against that.

we left the house, driving to starbucks to grab some food and drinks to wake us up, and feed ourselves since we hadn't eaten all day, and we were tired and sleep deprived.

we had totally forgotten we were covered in paint.

kat grabbed a pack of makeup wipes from her glove box, wiping the paint off her face, handing me a wipe as well.

we went through the drive-thru and she got an iced white chocolate mocha latte, and i got a caramel frappuccino with soy milk and no whipped cream. then we both got breakfast sandwiches and cake pops.

we decided to eat in her car instead of inside her house because of all the paint fumes, so she drove to the nearest parking lot and parked as we ate.

she played music as we vibed and ate our food, finishing our coffee down to the last sip.

she didn't have any makeup on and damn, she's beautiful. i've always known but there's sometimes where i just see it extra. and right now was one of those times.

i think she caught me staring, because she looked over and laughed, shaking her head.

her phone rang, and seconds later i heard conan's voice blaring through the car speakers.

"hey bitch, you haven't been answering my texts." he said, definitely kidding about the bitch part.

"i'm sorry i'm sorry, i've been busy with billie. and with madison drama."

"you're STILL with billie? jesus i can never catch you alone. i need to tell you something important."

"i mean, you can tell me around billie too, can't you?" i was starting to get worried. did i do something? was it about me?

"she already knows. you'll see whenever i tell you. love you, bye!" he said as he hung up, before giving her a chance to even say bye.

we both looked at each other very confused, but we just let it slide.

we drove back to her house, where we started painting again, this time on the other side of the wall.

we're listening to tyler, the creator, and she's singing every word, per usual, using the paintbrush as a microphone. seeing her in her raw moments like this are my favorite. where she's just herself.

i start painting the wall again, but she doesn't continue hers. she just stares at me.

"what?" i asked, kind of aggressively, but obviously kidding.

"hey, if you can stare at me i can do the same to you. you look pretty."

"i am pretty."

"damn, couldn't even thank me?"

"i'm kidding shorty. thank you. but, you look better." i said, now turning to her.

"oh, whatever. i really don't think you realize how gorgeous you are. your smile, your laugh, your facial features, your eyes-" i cut her off.

"hey now, get back to painting. no soft shit right now." i said, honestly just trying to get her to stop because i knew i was blushing.

she put her paintbrush down, turning her body completely towards the side of mine. she pulled her knees up to her chest.

"we've been painting all day, i wanna talk to you. i miss your voice already." she's so cute.

"you just heard my voice two seconds ago." she pouted when i said that. "let's just finish this wall then we can go lay in your bed and watch the office."

she still didn't seem satisfied. i'm not sure why she was so clingy right now. she usually isn't. but, i'm not complaining at all. it's very cute.

i took a glob of paint on my finger, then pressed it to her nose.

she laughed before lunging over to her paint pan, then doing the same thing to my nose.

"i'm losing my mind, because i hope that we can be more than just friends." she sings along to the song, looking at me as she says every word.

i couldn't help but just stare at her lips as she spoke.

and i think she caught me looking, because just as i looked up from her lips to her eyes, she was already locking eyes with me.

"i feel like glitter." the speakers blared but i could barely hear because i felt so lost in her gaze.

i couldn't do it anymore, making myself wait any longer was literally killing me.

i put my hand on her jawline softly, leaning into her body and face, leaving almost no space between our lips.

i grazed my lips on hers, to see if she'd cling on to mine, and she did. i took that as permission and i pressed my lips onto hers. it felt as if our lips belonged together.

i swear the room was spinning, i forgot where i was because i got so lost in her lips. her kiss was so sweet and gentle but yet it seemed like she was so eager for more.

she pulled away, smiling at my lips.

"i've been wanting to do that for the past two days." i said, gaining back my sense of reality.

"me too."

her ocean eyes // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now