chapter 36

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Katherine's POV

I wake up to the familiar smell of vanilla, but also an almost unbearable pain in my ribs and face.


I open to my eyes, seeing the blue haired girl sitting in a chair across from me. I genuinely have no idea what day it is or anything of the sort, but I know I'm tired of being in this hospital bed.

"Baby?" I say, opening my eyes fully, smiling at Billie regardless of my busted lip.

Her head shot up from the back of the chair, and her eyes filled with joy.

"Hi love. It's me, Billie." She said, walking over to the bed.

"I don't have memory loss, stupid. Just a beat up body. But, hi angel." I said, which made her crack a smile.

She grabbed my hand, rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb, smiling contagiously.

It's been too long since I held her hand. Too long since I saw her face to face.

Her pretty face distracted me from the fact that I was beaten and taken advantage of by an old friend of mine not long ago. Most likely only two days ago, since Billie's here.

The flashbacks hit, and I start to shake.

"Are you cold? I can go get you another blanket from the nurse baby." Bil asks, feeling me shaking.

"Yes, please." I lied.

She left the room, and I sat up, just dealing with the pain filling every space in my body. My eyes begin to well up with tears, but I blink ever so slowly so that the tears don't fall down my face.

This doesn't even feel real. This must be all just a bad dream.

I force the tears back whenever I hear Billie's voice thank somebody in the hallway, and I hear her step footsteps.

"They ran out of blankets, but she said she'd get you a heating bad for inside your sheets."

"I'm okay now, but thank you love." I reply back, smiling.

"You're not good at hiding things from me. Why were you crying?" She said, shocking me.

Damn, I thought I pulled it off.

"The flashbacks just all hit me I guess..." I frowned, "It doesn't feel like any of it even happened. I'm just waiting for somebody to wake me up and say I slept for too long."

Her eyes shifted down to the bruises on my cheek and eye, as she brushed them softly with her finger, without pressure so that they wouldn't be in pain.

"Do you remember all of it?" She asked, bringing her fingers back down to mine, intertwining them.

"Some of it. I felt woozy and out of control the whole time though. I know I probably shouldn't tell you this because it'll make you upset, but I had drank a-" She stopped me.

"I know. I'm not mad. But, the detectives think you might've had other things in your system too. There was a bag of crushed pills in powder form next to the bottles of alcohol in your kitchen."

"They talked to you?"

"Yeah. Questioned me forever. They're acting like they think I did it or some shit. And they don't believe that anybody did anything to you. They think you did it to yourself."

"What?" I say, utterly shocked.

How could I even do this to myself? My eye is swollen and purple from being banged into a bed frame, my ribs are red and fragile from being slammed into a wall, and my hands are ripped and bruised from being restrained.

She shakes her head empathetically, sighing.

"I don't even know."

"Katherine! You're awake."

An unfamiliar man walked into the room, looking at Billie and I oddly.

"I am."

"I'm Detective Gray. We've just gotten test results for one of the different aspects for this case."

"May I sit?" he asked.

I nodded, but before he started speaking to me again, he looked at Billie.

"Alone please, Ms. O'Connell." He said, gesturing her out.

She kissed my hand, waving goodbye as she walked out of the metal doorway.

"There is another persons saliva on two of the shot glasses, but your saliva on the other two."

I nod.

"You know underage drinking is a crime, right?"

"Yes. I don't ever drink, but my father keeps alcohol in the house at all times and she wanted drinks so I gave in, I guess."

His face shifted.

"Who is the she you're referring to?"

"Kira McClay."

He nods, writing down the name on a paper clipped onto the clipboard that he was holding.

"And this is the same person who did..." He gestured his hands to point up and down towards my face. "This?"

I nodded again.

"Okay. We will probably be back to question you later, once you're feeling better." He said, standing up.

"Thank you for your time, young lady."

He walked out, and as soon as I saw his silhouette exit, I saw Billie's enter.


"Kira's DNA is on the shot glasses. That's good."

"So they identified that it's Kira's?"

"Well, not yet. But I gave them the name and they said there was somebody else's DNA on them."

A nurse came in, holding a tray of food and a notebook.

"Are you hungry?" She asked, and whenever I nodded, she placed the tray onto the wooden table-like plaster above my bed.

"Also, you have visitors. But, only three people are allowed inside and you have three others waiting in the room."

"Who are the three?" I asked.

"A teenage girl, says to be your friend I think. Your father and a boy named Finneas."

"You can let Finneas and my father in. Then whenever either of them is finished, the girl can come in. Can you get her name for me?" I ask.

But before I could get her response, a very displeasing familiar face greeted me by walking into the hospital room.

her ocean eyes // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now