chapter 21

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**katherine's pov**

"Oh shit!" Billie yelled, as the tube under us started to move faster.

We decided to go tubing today since we were just gonna sit around the hotel. We didn't wanna waste a single day here because this was the only break she gets for a while. Once we go home, she's home for one day then has to go to do more press and interviews. Shit sucks.

I feel a hand slither around my waist, which was Billie trying to protect me from falling off. Finneas was on the tube next to us, and Zoe, Maggie, and Patty were all on the boat, taking videos and laughing at us every time we almost fall off.

We hear a wave crash, as we turn around to see Finneas in the water laughing, and we felt the boat slow down so he could get back on.

He decided he was done though, and got back on the boat.

"Let's see who can stay on the longest. I'll get on the other tube." Billie said. She's always up for competition.

"I'll miss you! Especially when you fall in the water first." She says, winking as she hops off our tube, swimming to the other one.

When we're both on our tubes, the boat takes off again and we're both hanging on for dear life. Losing to her is such a bummer because she wins everything, and I wasn't gonna let myself lose this one.

I see her knees start to slip, which distracts me as my hands start slipping from the handles.

Of course, I fall off before she does, and I hear her cheering as the boat stopped and I came to the surface.

We both got back on the boat, grabbing water and snacks.

"You're not very good at tubing, my love." She whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. She's good at that.

I just smiled, not even responding. I think we both knew she was gonna win either way, but I still had hope. She put her arm around me, pulling me closer to her neck and almost cuddling me. We were both cold and shaking so the warmth was nice.

"Girls, are you ready to get off? We wanna all go get food and hang out around the shops. And I wanna go to Lovina to see the dolphins." Maggie said, looking at us.

We both nodded, so Maggie payed the boat driver, and we all got off once we got back to the shore.

"Hey mom, I think we're actually just gonna go back to the hotel after we all eat if that's okay. I'm tired as fuck." Billie said. She wasn't acting tired though, so i'm guessing she just didn't wanna walk around the shops.

We ate lunch at a cute restaurant by the beach, while we talked about Billie's upcoming meetings and what they'll be discussing.

Sometimes I feel a little left out when they talk about her music. Of course I listen to her but i've never seen her perform, i've never even looked at videos. I spend all my time with her so looking at pictures and videos of her isn't really necessary.

"Yeah, tour is gonna be exciting." Finneas said, leaving me confused.

Tour? Is she going on tour?

"Fuck yes dude. I'm so excited. I just don't wanna leave my friends. Shit fucking sucks." Billie said.

We finished up eating, and we parted ways while everyone else went to the shops.

"I didn't know you were going on tour." I said, looking at Billie as we walked along the beach, holding hands.

"Yeah. I announced it back in July, but I don't start until October. I'm actually not that excited, I just don't want my parents to see my upset about it." She said, her mood dropping.

her ocean eyes // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now