Chapter Forty

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 AN: Hi guys! I just wanted to say that this book will be coming to an end in I don't know how many chapters since it will be divided into 3-4 books..... And I also made the Cover of the Next book, which will be called Rebirth..... the Cover is pretty much a spoiler hahaha! New characters will be introduced, the next book will go in parallel to the second Twilight book, but more concentrated on Paul and Annabelle and her abilities! I also have a few ideas for a few ORIGINAL BOOKS,  I'M SO EXCITED!!!

PS: I have to work on my photoshop skills..... I also am not sure if I actually like the  2nd book cover, so, I might change it.

As soon as Charlie entered his home, I followed him, looking through the window only to see everyone leaving Charlie's property. But it was weird. Why did Paul and his little gang come to Forks, he never did before, what changed?

 Bella was sleeping, and I wasn't going to leave her like this, so I stayed with her. Slept beside her. 

When I woke up, sun rays were filtered through the leaves of the tree in front of her window. I stretched up my limbs, before turning around to see Bella still sleeping. I sighed and walked down to the kitchen, where Charlie already was.

"Is she still sleeping?"

I nodded my head as I sat down in front of him, looking out the window.

" Whatever happened in that forest. It was enough of a shock to her that she didn't come back home." He said, reading his newspaper, but still looking at me from time to time.

" You want me to find out what happened."

"Please, I know Bells will tell you what happened."

     I sighed and nodded, before grabbing two mugs of coffee and taking a sip out of one. Gods know I'll need that. After a few deep breaths, I walked up to the stairs to her room, pushing the door open without making a sound, only to see Bella, sitting up, arms around her knees, red-rimmed eyes as she looked up to me.

I sat down on the bed next to her.

" What happened in that forest yesterday, Bells?"

 She just stared at me, eyes filling with tears before launching herself at me, wrapping her arms around me, landing in my lap, trying to find shelter in me, while I didn't know what to do with my arm.

And then she told me what happened, what Edward said to her about not wanting her to come with them, about having to move away because Carlisle looks too young. That he didn't want her.

What a liar.

When he called me, telling me about what happened at Bella's birthday, I knew something had changed that night, in him, in the way he'd be with Bella.

But, I would never have thought he'd do that!

I didn't know what to do since I wasn't a touchy or affectionate woman. What was I supposed to do in situations like this?

I absolutely had no idea what to do. The two times I felt that way, I shouldered it all alone, and I did not ask for comfort from anyone. Not even my own brothers and sisters, not even my own family.

So, having someone lean on my comfort like that? Or having someone comfort you when you need it?

Never heard of.

All I could do was hold her against me, as she cried out her sorrow. After a while, she went back to sleep and I walked down the stairs. Charlie was sitting on the sofa, in front of the tv, an opened beer can in hand.

" How is she?"

I could feel his stare on the side of my face and I frowned.

" Edward left."

I said simply, and, I knew Charlie didn't need more information to understand what happened.

" I see."

" I have to go home."

" Sure, take care on the way home."

" Of course." 

Bella's condition was a living hell for Charlie

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Bella's condition was a living hell for Charlie. She'd always wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Always making her father worry. She'd ask for my help and everything, she'd stay with me, be all moody when her dad wanted her to leave her house.

It's not like Edward died. He just left!

Sure, that must suck a lot, but come on, there are worse things than being rejected by your ex-boyfriend? Like, coughing out black blood, hearing voices, your parents died.

You know, things like that.

So now, I was in my witch abode, with a wooden bowl, a mortar, and pestle made out of black stone. Herbs scattered all around the altar. And my grimoire.

Lavender, lime flower, valerian flower and roots, passionflower, and corydalis. A bunch of herbs to get better sleep.

God knows Charlie needs it. But, if Bella sleeps better than Charlie's sleep will get better as a result.

I crushed the ingredients with the mortar and pestle, grinding and grinding until all that was left was powder. I grabbed a knife and made a small little cut only to get two drop o blood mixed with the powder. While I made the small cut on my finger, I murmured the chant:

" Dreamless night fall upon us, moonlight protects us. Dark thoughts and praying nightmare stay away, as this spell will send you away. This is my will, so mote it be."

    As soon as the blood drops touched the powder, a small little cloud appeared from the mixture, before rising up and disappearing altogether and when I looked back into the bowl, there wasn't any blood in the powder, as if it disappeared.

After that I put the powder in a small wine red pouch and tightened the string to close it, before putting it in the pocket of my jacket. I'll  to put it under Bella's bed for the spell to take effect. Let's hope for the best. Let's hope that it will have Charlie's sleepless nights.

I don't know how Charlie does it.

   If it had been me, my parents would have told me to stop moping and being depressed after 2 weeks if they were still alive.

It's been months.

   For a break-up. When my parents died, after a month and a half Bella was telling me to stop mourning  their deaths. And here she is , doing the opposite of what she told me.

  It's been months for her.

  If this doesn't stop, she will need professional help. This is not normal, of she had been grieving I would have understood. But this kind of behaviour after a break-up?

   I'm almost done with her behavior. She doesn't talk, eats a lot less than she should, she looks in a certain direction and doesn't answer when we talk to her.

And the way she treats Charlie sometimes.

She makes me want to beat the shit out of her.

I hope it never comes to that.

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