The End

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This first part of a multiple book series has been a true experience for me. It made me grow, as a writer, made me think out of the box from how other people usually write. Reading different kinds of books helped me so much in how I wanted things to happen, how to write them, how to express something through my own writing. 

I've tried to hard to make Annabelle a lovable character, not a Mary Sue, but a badass woman who can do what she wants, not overpowered. Not weak. I loved writing her character, she's artistic, witty, sarcastic, cold, a foodie, loves reading, reading people too, analyzing them.I've seen too many female leading characters who gets angry for no reason, too emotional and sometimes when I read a woman getting angry, or having a certain kind of reaction  I didn't consider appropriate, I'd get angry at the writer ( alone in my head of course) thinking how a normal person would act and everything. 

I wanted a female lead who was strong, confident, sarcastic, witty and who didn't take any one's bullshit easily. 

This kind of writing, even if it's a fanfiction made me grow, as it made me understand real feelings, real reaction.

I hope I'll be able to delve deeper into Annabelle's persona in the next books, to make her grow too from an unemotional, not really someone who cares to someone who isn't afraid to care for someone. 

I know I already said that, but this is the last author's note of this book. 

I also just published the first chapter of the next book. Imprints: Rebirth which will follow Annabelle's discovery of her powers, her lineage. What her family hid from her. How her relationship with Paul will grow through moments and arguments. How she'll rekindle with someone she'd forgotten about, as he tries to help her understand who she is, and what her family represents. Little by little, through the books, a new story will take place and link through the shows I'll also be linking through the story. They will complete each other when something is lacking. 

Goodbye lovelies, 

See you soon.

Imprints( Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now