♡doing your makeup ♡

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John• you were doing your makeup when John walked into to the bathroom hugging you from behind.

"Hey baby. Can I try doing your makeup please?"

You sighed and said fine just please don't make me look like a clown

He tried his best to do your makeup but ended up getting mascara all over your eye lids, lipstick on your front teeth and he used highlighter as a eyeshadow. John has honestly thought he did a pretty decent job. Your reaction when you looked in the mirror told him otherwise!!

Paul•  after a shit ton of begging Paul decided to let you do his Makeup. He looked even prettier then usual😂  he then begged and begged you to let him do yours. You decided to let him. As he started doing your mascara you realized how  good he was at it. You asked

"Macca why the hell are you so good at this?"

He replied "Y/N if you talk I may mess up" putting his finger against your lips

You giggled and let him continue and when he was finished you looked half decent. You were proud of him and he was proud of him self. You kissed his cheek leaving a lipstick print

George• George didn't have a lot of confidence doing your Makeup. He was a little nervous to do it . He grabbed a eye liner out of your little makeup bag and started putting it on your lips.

"George are you putting eyeliner on my lips??" You said


He wiped it off and told you he gave up

"I much rather do you instead" he mumbled To himself;))

Ringo• Ringo was very confident doing your Makeup. He knew what everything was cause he always enjoyed watching you do your Makeup. He did a pretty decent job and you noticed he drew little tiny smiley faces drawn with eyeliner around your face. You smiled and kissed him softly

"You cutie" you said in his ear

He blushed🥰

I don't know if I like this chapter so much ahaha.

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