♡how you guys sleep together ♡

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John• You and John start off cuddled up together. You usually have your back or head against his chest and he wraps his arms around your waist. He whispers in your ear how much he loves you and he hopes you know that.  You love the feeling of him being there next to you. Knowing that He's besides you makes you feel safe and it's easier to fall asleep. John is a restless sleeper for the most part so by the time your asleep he has probably moved. When you wake up Johns hair is all messy which makes you blush so hard. You love the way he looks in the morning. He always looks pretty to you.

Paul• Paul never wants to be away from you and whenever he has to spend a night away from you he gets separation anxiety.  You and Paul cuddle each other . You lay your head in the crook of his neck and as you guys try to drift off to sleep Paul plays with your hair  which makes you feel so relaxed. He also says how much he loves you and kisses your neck and cheeks.  You fall asleep so easily with the feeling of him beside you. It makes you feel safe knowing that he's there. He wraps his warm embrace around your waist and doesn't let go for the whole night. Paul also loves the feeling of you being there. It makes him feel relaxed. You always wake up to a sleepy Paul with messy hair and a raspy voice. He look so adorable . He tries not to yawn but can't help it which makes you blush🥰

George• you and George love sleeping together. It's one of George's favourites things to do with you. He usually likes to lay on his back for most of night with your head on his shoulder. He loves playing with your very pretty hair. Sometimes you even play with his hair because it's so fluffy when there isn't any hair products in it and you adore it. He'll then kiss your forehead telling you he loves you and goodnight. You say the same and cuddle his shoulder  as he places his hand on your thigh. You always wake up before George. You let him sleep for a bit longer and then wake him up with a kiss. He blushes at you but when you see how sweet he looks you do too.

Ringo• Ringo is a very cuddly person so in bed he doesn't like to let go of you. You place your head in the crook of his neck and he wraps his arms around your body. You guys then have some random deep conversation as you try to sleep. You and Ringo talk about anything you could think of. He's a really good listener and you like opening up to him. Once you feel tired and he does too he'll look into your eyes and tell you how much he loves you. You blush like a manic and then he kisses you softly before saying goodnight. You fall asleep fast because you love the fact that you know Ringo  will never let go of you and your safe. You and Ringo wake up the same time usually and just stare at each other in aw.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I went back to school on Wednesday! I'll try to update as much as possible . Thanks for 900+ reads ! It means the world💕💕 thanks so much

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