♡ what you guys do when your drunk ♡

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John• You and John usually go out on Friday nights which results in the two of you getting drunk. When John's drunk he doesn't shut up talking. At first he gets on with a bunch of shit you can barely understand sense your drunk yourself. But in the end you and john both end up having the deepest conversation laying down in johns front yard looking at the stars. You usually fall asleep in each other's arms and wake up cold and go inside.

Paul• when you and Paul drink you guys usually stay in. Paul turns on the stereo and you guys dance all night in each other's arms. You guys drink until you can barely stand up. Paul ends up falling while you are Dancing together and then you both sit on the floor and cry together. The next thing you know your both laughing and crying in each other's arms and then you go to bed.

George• when George drinks he gets so clumsy. On your way home from a club, you were holding George's hand knowing how clumsy he was when he drank but George still managed to trip up, ripping his pants and cutting his knee open.

"Ahhh y/n why is my leg bleeding . I can't feel anything?"

George moaned

You grabbed his hand and walked him home. When you got home you cleaned him up and kissed his knee better. You kissed him softly and tucked him into Bed and than yourself. You cuddled up into him and he was asleep before you even got into bed.

Ringo• when you and Ringo drink he tries to convince you that he isn't drunk when it's obvious that he is. Ringo can barely walk straight and keeps on drinking more. Eventually he can't even stand up and ends falling asleep. You have to wake him up and get him into to bed. He snarls at you cause you woke him up but when he sees you he gets happy and kisses you all over. Then he passes out again in bed this time right next to you.

Thanks for 300+ reads. Also this kinda sucks so I'm sorry ahaha

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