Time Traveling [ 1 ]

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Chapter 25: Time Traveling [ 1 ]

Chapter 25: Time Traveling [ 1 ]

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Dumbledore entered the room. We all walked towards him. "You got to stop this. They got the wrong man!" Hermione said.

"That's true. Sirius is innocent!" Harry said.

"Scabbers did it," Ron said

"Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked.

"It's my pet rat, sir.
Well, he's not really a rat, but he was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat then they gave him out." Ron said.

"We know the truth, Professor. Please believe us." I said.

"I do, Ms. Rosecharm, but I'm sorry to say the word of four thirteen year old wizards who convinced a few are us." Dumbledore said.

"Mysterious thing...time... powerful, and when meddled with- dangerous,"

Then an idea popped up in my head. Of course! The Time Turner!

I turned to Hermione then nodded.

She seems to get what I mean.

"Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the dark tower. You know the laws, Ms. Rosecharm, Ms. Granger. You must not be seen, and you would do what I feel to return before this last time. If not, the consequences are to ghastly to discuss.

If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns should do anything," Dumbledore went to the door then turned. "Oh, and when in doubt, I find myself retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Goodluck." Dumbledore said then closed the door.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked.

We turned to Ron. "Sorry, Ron, but seeing that you can't walk." Hermione brought out the Time Turner then placed it around the three of us.

Harry reaches out his hand for him to touch it, but Hermione slapped his hand away.

Hermione turned it three times.

I watched as Harry looked around, fascinated.

Then it stop. Hermione removed the necklace around us then tucked it in her shirt.

"What happened? Where's Ron?" Harry asked.

"It's 7: 30. Where were we at 7: 30?" Hermione asked.

"Come on, and let's not be seen!" Hermione said then we ran to Hagrid's hut.

We hid behind a wall, watching the scene that occurred not long ago.

"Ah, come to see the show?"

"You! You foul loathed, evil, little cockroach!"

"That's us! That's not normal-" Harry said then Hermione pushed him to the wall then brought out her Time Turner. "This is a Time Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave this to me. This is why I'm getting to my lessons all year." Hermione explained.

"You mean you got back in time?"

"Yes," Hermione said. "Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment."

Harry is still letting it all into his head.

He turned to me. "Why does Y/N looks like she's fine with this? Why does she think that this is normal. Why isn't she freaking out- you should freak out, Y/N." Harry said.

I showed him my Time Turner. "I got too. Snape gave it to me because I'm the only person in Slytherin he could rely on. Plus, Draco's father works with the Ministry of Magic, so I guess it's good?" I said.

"Does Malfoy know?"


"Hermione, no. He's not worth it."

Then I saw past me punched Draco.

"Good punch." Harry said.

I grinned. "Thanks."

"I can't believe she did this to her own fiancé!"
I heard past Draco said while walking inside.

We sneakily tiptoed to the pumpkins then hid behind it.

We saw past us inside the hut.

"Why aren't we moving?" I asked.

Past Hermione and Ron turned to the vase.

Hagrid gave Past Ron his 'rat' Scabbers.

Harry got angry. "That's Peter Pettigrew! He's the one who betrayed my parents!" Harry said then stood.

I pulled him back down. "Are you mental?! We can't make eye contact with past us or anyone here! We can't be seen, or else the future will be destroyed. Worst, our mission will fail! Do you want to free Buckbeack or not?" I said.

He sighed. "Sorry."

"They're coming." Hermione said, looking at the executioners.

She grabbed a pebble then threw it at the vase in Hagrid's hut.

She quickly ducked then threw another at past Harry.

Harry winced in pain. "Ow, that hurts."

"Sorry." Hermione said.

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