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Meliodas met you when he was still the leader of the 10 commandments. You were a demon in the King's court and were ranked high.

Meliodas always saw you by his father's side. You always wore armour, had a sword by your side and wore a blank expression.

He decided to talk to you when he had enough of just staring at you. "Hey, Y/n"

You looked up from the book you were reading, "Yes? What do you need, Prince Meliodas?"

"Do you wanna go on a mission together?"

A small, tiny, minuscule smile appeared on your face, "I would love to, Your Highness"


Ban was looking for something to steal again but he met a woman, a beautiful one at that. He was intrigued after watching you swipe the wallet of an aristocrat.

So, he appeared before you with a smirk on his face, "Hiya, beautiful"

You had a surprised look on your face before you realized something was gone, "Give it back" you growled

Ban smirked and brought out the wallet you had swiped and started tossing it up and down, "Tell me your name first, beautiful"

You give him an annoyed look then swiped the pouch back and started walking the opposite direction "Yeah, no"


You were Meliodas' sister and you always liked King but knew that what you wanted wouldn't happen cause King liked Diane.

"Oi, Y/n! Stop spacing out!"

"A-ah?!" You were snapped out of your daydream by your annoying brother - who had an annoying smile on his annoying face.

You accidentally fell off the countertop but instead of hitting the bar's hardwood floor, you landed on something soft.

You opened one eye and saw green? You lifted your head and saw that you had landed on Chastiefoil with King next to you!

"You gotta be more careful, Y/n"

You blush and nod, burying your face into the pillow.


Your Merlin's sister, younger sister to be exact. You, just like your sister, were skilled in magic and often helped the sins.

Escanor always admired you for your help and your determination in whatever you do. He actually started liking you after finding out that Merlin was taking interest in Arthur, King of Camelot.

You have never experienced romance or love, other than the love from the sins and your sister. "Y/n? Where's Escanor?"

Ban's voice rang out into the potion room, where you were brewing something. "I think he went out"

"Can you go get him?"

You nod and put down the spoon but before you leave the room, you put a protective lock spell on the door.

"Try to break down that door to drink the potion and your dead"

Was the last thing you said to Ban before going out the door and into the forest.


You were part of the sins, the Monkey sin of Curiosity. Were because you had left the sins before the whole framing incident. You weren't really an official member, you more or less just used to hang out with them and the people assumed you were part of the team.

You had your memory wiped by someone and started wondering Britannia, looking for this person.

You see a bar and decide to have a drink, you can surprisingly handle your liquor. Inside you see a pinkette, you were about to order when you passed out.

"Gowther, what did you do?"

Was the last thing you heard before losing conscious


You are Elizabeth's younger sister and loved going to Camelot to see King Arthur, Elizabeth accompanied you some times.

Today you were going to see him again but your big sis had caught a cold and couldn't come with you. Veronica was busy training, Margaret was busy studying, and you couldn't ask your father to accompany you.

So, you went along with a holy knight. You were excited to see Arthur again since you couldn't last week because of a cold, which your big sis had caught.


You are a holy knight and part of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Peacock sin of Beauty. Gilthunder hated you at first because of the whole 'killing his father' thing but after the fight with Hendi, he changed.

He started warming up to you and staring at you from time to time, without him knowing. "Hey, Gilthunder! You've been staring at Lady Y/n for a while now. Do you like her?"

Howzer's voices rang in his right ear, "What? I don't know what you're talking about"

He continued to stare at you from across the bar, you were talking to Meliodas at the counter.


You are Gilthunder's sister and a skilled holy knight. He would often train with you whenever you were alone cause your brother would lecture you about being with boys.

"Y/n! Let's go train!"

You turned around and saw Howzer walking towards you, sword in hand.

You sigh and put the book you were reading down, "Howzer, it's late and I wanna read"

He pouted "Come on~ Just for a few minutes!"

You sigh and stand up "Alright"

You grab your sword from the side of the chair you were sitting on and walked outside to the training grounds.


You're a goddess, the Supreme Deity's daughter ( making you Elizabeth's sister! ), you knew of your sister's relationship with the demon prince Meliodas.

But what you didn't know was the gaze his younger brother had every time he saw you, which was rare since you never leave the heavens.

One time a battle was going on between the Stigma and the Demon clan. Elizabeth told you to stay put by the base and protect it. You protested of course but couldn't do anything about it.

But as you stood by the entrance of the base, you felt a powerful presence. You looked to the side but was suddenly kicked in the stomach from the front.

You were sent to a pillar and looked at your attacker, in front of you was the youngest demon prince in all his glory.

"All alone?"


You are a demon, a ten commandment. The commandment of Justice and whenever injustice is happening before you, the person will be struck with binds and judged by you, whether they live or die.

You haven't really noticed Estarossa because you were focused on Meliodas. You didn't love Meliodas you were just training under his wing and after he betrayed his clan, you were disappointed but still admired him.

Now your attention was on Estarossa, "Y/n"

You turned from your meal and saw Estarossa, "Yes?"

You wiped the blood off your cheek and ate the soul, "Zeldris wants to see you"

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