Chapter Six: Ghost High?

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A/N: Hey! The new fanfic is out! However, I only have the prologue done and it's pretty short. I'll try to keep the updates more frequent though! Sorry for the late update by the way (Again)! You'd think I'd be more productive now that I have a month off of school. :)

Oh and 1k reads?!?!? That's awesome, you can't imagine how happy I am! :D I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying them!

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, I simply only own the plots.

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"Who elected you to be my guardian again?" Danny groaned, phasing his arm into his locker and grabbing his school binder.

"Funny. I'm just giving you advice, no need to act so salty about it," Sam shot back, pursing her lips in distaste and crossing her arms. Danny sighed and turned to his female friend, rubbing his neck.

"I- Look, I'm sorry. It's just that I've been another victim of my dad's crazy inventions from last night's patrol and my head really hurts. You know how I am when I'm tired," he explained before starting to walk to his favorite class; English.

"It's fine, doofus. Just tell me when you're in a bad mood and I'll stay far away from you," she teased as Tucker joined in, grinning.

"Not to mention he has Lancer right now. On a Monday morning," the techno-geek added before going back to paying attention to his PDA.

"Thanks for reminding me Tuck. Hope you're really happy now," Danny grumbled sarcastically as his other friend chuckled in response but said nothing back, shaking his head.

"By the way, what invention were you experimented on this time?" Sam asked, a bit curious to know what the Fenton's had created.

"Oh, I don't know? Something to dissect me with? On second thought, I don't remember it really hurting me too much. The headache was caused from my parents' squeals at early in the morning," he said, frowning at the memory as Sam raised an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue. "I don't know, it just felt weird. Like the machine was supposed to... investigate me? Collect information about my body? Now that I say it out loud, that just sounds a bit suspicious."

"Man, that does sound creepy! What do you think they were searching for?" Tucker asked, taking his eyes off his PDA for a second, now interested in the following conversation.

"Who knows, It was pretty late and I was tired. All I remember is something sticking on me and then leaving ten minutes after with a little zap," Danny explained, recalling the odd experience.

"Didn't you pay attention to that thing? At all? It could've been dangerous! For all we know, the pain could kick in any minute now," Sam exclaimed.

"Don't jinx it," Danny warned but let his friend continue.

"Yeah man! Why would you let something stick on you without knowing what it is? I understand that they are your parents, but they don't know that you're their son. Let's just say the feelings are not mutual," Tucker pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"I already told you guys! I was too tired and not really paying attention to my surroundings. Plus, I'm fine now, I think. I don't feel weird... aside from the light burn I got from Skulker a couple of days ago."

"Ouch. Promise me you'll tell us when you need help. Don't be so stubborn," Sam said with a not-so-pleased frown.

"You guys were sick! I didn't want to bother you both, especially since I was the cause of it," he said but attempted to mend the situation when Sam directed a cold glare at his direction. "But I'll tell you when I need help, I promise."

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