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Welcome to plot twist central.
This happens a little while before the actual story starts, so enjoy

Gerard and Y/N ~Age 17
Mikey ~ Age 16

Y/N's P.O.V. 

"Come on, Gee? For me?" I asked and the black haired boy pouted.

"Fine. I'll go and see the movie with you, but you're totally paying for popcorn and snacks." I grinned and nodded.
"Mikey, you coming?" We looked at the blond and he pushed up his glasses.

"I don't really feel like third wheeling, but if Y/N is buying snacks." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"Mikey, do me a favour and never change?" I asked and he gave me a weird look.

"What time does it start?" Gerard asked.

"Uh, at 7pm, so we have like an hour." I smiled and he nodded.
"Come on, at least look a little bit enthusiastic. It's gonna be good and if it's not, we can sit there and make fun of it."

"Yeah, ok." A small smile slipped on his face and I felt my heart flutter. Damn these teenage hormones.

"Y/N, you zoned out, you okay?" Mikey poked my cheek and I swatted his hand away.

"I'm fine. A little tired." I shrugged.
"We should get going. Don't want to be late."

"We have an hour." Mikey laughed and I pouted.

"Yeah, but we have to go shopping because I'm not paying for overpriced snacks at the theatre, when I can get them for half the price at the store." I sassed and Gerard laughed a little.

"I knew there was a reason you're my best friend." He threw his arm over my shoulder and I tried not to be hurt by the 'friend' comment. Yes, I liked Gerard. I had liked him since a few weeks after we had met, but that was over 4 years ago.
I wanted to pull him away from the movie at some point and maybe confess to him, but I couldn't just un-invite Mikey. We were the awkward friendship trio and if Mikey didn't go it would be like a date, which it certainly was not.

"If you keep zoning out, no one is going to watch the movie, because we'll be taking you home and making sure you sleep." Mikey poked my side and I jumped away from him with a yelp, making Gerard laugh.

"I'm fine, just thinking." I said truthfully.
"So... what snacks am I buying?"


"I'm going to the toilet." Mikey whispered as he stood up. The movie was almost over as I rolled my eyes at his oversharing.

"It's almost finished." Gerard muttered, but Mikey ignored him and left the dark room.
"I've been kind of wanting to ask you this all night, Y/N, but are you okay? You've been really fidgety and you've barely lifted your gaze off of the floor."

"Just a lot on my mind." I sighed, knowing it was now or never.
"Gee, I want to talk to you about something."

"Y/N, you can trust me with anything, you know that." I nodded my head.

"Well, I-" I was shushed by an impatient looking guy two rows behind us and I shook my head.
"I'm going to get some air."
I hurriedly made my way outside, the cold air waking me up a little.
I ran my hand through my hair and took a breath, taking my phone out of my pocket.
"Shit!" I dropped my keys and bent down to pick them up.

Gerard's P.O.V.

"I'll give you two a minute." Mikey smirked as he stood up.
"I'm going to the toilet." Mikey whispered, loud enough for both Y/N and I to hear. I should have known this would happen. Mikey was the only one who knew about my huge crush on Y/N and he constantly reminded me how he 'shipped' it.

"It's almost finished." I muttered, but Mikey ignored me and left the dark room. I took a breath, before looking at the girl next to me.
"I've been kind of wanting to ask you this all night, Y/N, but are you okay? You've been really fidgety and you've barely lifted your gaze off of the floor."

"Just a lot on my mind." She sighed and I looked at her curiously.
"Gee, I want to talk to you about something."

"Y/N, you can trust me with anything, you know that." She nodded her head and I moved to take her hand, but she moved her hands into her lap.

"Well, I-" She was shushed by an impatient looking guy two rows behind us and I turned and glared at him as she stood up.
"I'm going to get some air."
She rushed out and the guy sighed.

"Finally fucking quiet." He muttered and I scoffed, before following Y/N out. I passed Mikey and he grabbed my arm.

"What's going on?" He asked, frowning. I let out an indescribable noise of confusion, before heading towards the exit and watching Y/N drop her keys.

"Shit!" I almost laughed. I probably would have too, if I hadn't seen the car. Y/N was knocked down in an instant as the car drove off. Mikey and I ran forward as she hit the floor.

"Y/N! Fuck! Y/N, wake up!" Mikey yelled as he dropped down next to her. I was frozen, not screaming, not crying, just trying to process what I had just seen.
"Gerard! Call an ambulance!" Mikey cried and I felt numb as I fished my phone out of my pocket, barely noticing my shaking hands.

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