24 - Epilogue

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Y/N's P.O.V.

Fall in love with your best friend. With the person who makes you laugh the most, with the person who makes you smile even when you don't want to. With the person that makes extraordinary days feel ordinary.
Fall in love with the person who's seen you at your worst and who you're okay to not be okay around. With the person who understands the hurt and wants to heal it. With the person who has been with you to Hell and back.
People tell you not to fall for someone who's close to you, that it's messy and heartbreaking, but the truth is, they're the ones that will love you the deepest, because they have already proved that they care. That they will always be there for you, no strings attached, that they would never hurt you. And that's something everyone deserves. If it works out and things go well, you'll understand what it's like to have a forever person.
Fall in love with your best friend because no one loves you like someone who knows exactly how to.

"What're you thinking about, sugar?" Gerard asked softly, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand.

"You." Pink tinted his cheeks and I pecked his lips.
"Can we have a lazy day?"

"As much as I'd love to lay around all day with you, Mrs. Way, I have an album to finish recording." He kissed my nose and I groaned.

"Did you figure out what you wanted to change the lyrics in Famous Last Words to?" Gerard got up and I moved over to his side of the bed.

"Yeah, I actually looked in your old songbook and I found the perfect lyrics." I threw a pillow at him and he laughed a little as he got dressed.

"Well, are you going to tell me what you decided on?" I sat up.

"Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead." He smiled a little.
"It fits perfectly and the guys love it."

"Ew. I remember writing that." I laughed.
"I'm 90% sure that's actually about when I stayed over here one night and we both slept on the couches. It was dark and I was kinda scared, but I tried to wake you up, but you didn't budge. If it wasn't for your snoring, I would have presumed you were dead."

"You're an idiot." Gerard laughed.
"It's just Famous Last Words, House of Wolves and Cancer that we need to record and then we're done."

"You want me to come with?" I asked and his eyes lit up.

"Will you?" I laughed a little at his childlike reaction.

"Bandit is with your parents for a few more days, so I might as well." I shrugged and got out of bed, getting dressed. I took my pyjama shirt off and Gerard wrapped his arms around me, pressing a small kiss to my neck.

"You're amazing." He muttered, pressing more kisses to my neck. I leaned back into him, putting my head onto his shoulder, giving him more access.
"So beautiful. I love you."

"Love you too, Gerard." He bit and sucked at my neck, my legs turning to jelly and my mind getting hazy. We both snapped out of it when Gerard's phone began ringing. I grabbed a Fall Out Boy tee and pulled it on along with some jeans as Gerard answered the phone.

"Frank, what do you want?" Gerard muttered and I laughed a little.
"Yeah, okay, we're on our way."
My eyes widened when I looked in the mirror at the large hickey on my neck. It was huge and dark and Gerard came up behind me, kissing it lightly.
"We've got to go. Frank wants us to get breakfast on the way there."

"I'm gonna kill you." I muttered.

"Wait, you only married me so you could kill me and take my money?" He gasped.

"What money?" I scoffed and Gerard laughed.

"True, but I think this album is gonna be a hit. I've got a really good feeling about the Black Parade." I hummed and pulled on my shoes, grabbing my jacket.

"Me too. It's a good album, very well thought out and overall beautiful." Gerard took my hand and we left the house.
I fell in love with my best friend and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
He's my soulmate, my inspiration, my encouragement.
Gerard Way is my everything and I couldn't live without him.

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