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I know Gee's net worth is like $20 million, but this is kind of Revenge Era, So before black parade and Danger Days, not to mention Doom Patrol, Umbrella academy and his other stuff
I kinda just guessed it and hoped for the best

Y/N's P.O.V.

"So you're in a band?" I asked and Frank nodded enthusiastically.

"We just got off tour. We're like, internationally famous." He grinned.

"We're not. We're popular, I guess, but not internationally famous." Mikey sighed.

"Google Gerard and check his net worth." Frank crosses his arms.
"Don't bother. I know it's $5 million."

"Why, Frankie?" Gerard muttered and the tattooed man stuck his tongue out.

"$5 million? You're serious?" I asked in shock and Gerard blushed.
"You both always wanted to be in a band." I smiled fondly.

"Yeah, but you were supposed to be a part of that." Mikey muttered.

"Mikey, I quit playing any kind of instrument years before I died or whatever were calling me going into a coma." I sighed and Ray laughed a little.

"Can we not say you died?" Gerard asked.

"Sorry, I almost forgot about your fear of death and dying in general." I said sincerely and Frank snorted.

"Nah, that's long gone." Frank grinned.

"Wait, Really?" I asked, remembering how terrified of dying Gerard used to be.

"Yeah, after Grandma Elena died I kind of figured that it's not something to be scared of." He said and my eyes widened.

"Elena died?" I asked sadly.
"Shit, I really thought she was going to outlive us all."

"We all did." Mikey laughed lightly.

"That got depressing fast... who wants to watch a movie?" Gerard asked and my hand shot up. We all laughed a little as we let Frank choose a random movie.
I shifted in my seat to get comfy, not thinking twice, before curling into Gerard's side.

"Comfy, Y/N?" Ray asked, amused.

"Oh, Uh, we used to, never mind." I sat up and avoided everyone's gazes.
About halfway into the movie, Ray stood up, yawning.

"I'm gonna head home." He stretched.

"Bye, Ray." Mikey sleepily smiled.

"Nice meeting you." I smiled and he nodded.

"Nice meeting you too, Y/N. You'll have to watch us preform sometime." I nodded my head and Ray left.

"I'm gonna go to bed, it's late and tomorrow is gonna be busy." Mikey stood up too, ruffling my hair like he used to.

"Yep, me too. I'm tired. Night guys." Mikey and Frank disappeared upstairs and Gerard yawned.

"Does Frank live here too?" I asked in confusion.

"No, he just has a habit of getting into my bed." Gerard rolled his eyes.

"Everyone else has gone and you're tired. I'll go too and you can get some sleep. I'll drop by tomorrow." I smiled.

"No, where will you go?" He asked.

"Mom paid off the house. I've got keys and an empty house." I sighed.
"It'll probably need cleaning a bit, but I'm not tired anyway."

"Y/N it's 2am. I'm not letting you walk home, just crash here. No one will mind." Gerard replied quietly.
"I want you to stay."

"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna make myself some coffee." I stood up and Gerard grabbed my wrist.

"You won't sleep if you drink coffee now." I laughed a little.

"That's the point, Gee. I don't want to sleep." I shook my head and he stood up, letting go of my wrist.

"Why?" He asked and I sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I just- I've wasted 4 years unconscious." I muttered and he looked at me with sad eyes.
"I don't want to not wake up again."

"I won't let that happen. Come on, just stay with me like we used to? Please?" He asked and I nodded.
"I promise you'll be okay."


My eyes shot open and I took deep breaths as I shook the nightmare away. I was back in the hospital, but I couldn't move. It was terrifying. I glanced back at Gerard who was still sleeping, before slipping out of his hold, careful not to wake him. I grabbed the old and all too familiar blanket from the other sofa, covering him with it, before turning off the TV and picking up Mikey's laptop. I silently cursed when I saw there was a password, before I smirked.


The laptop unlocked and I cringed when I saw it was only a little past 5AM. However, I grinned as I opened up YouTube. I had a lot of catching up to do and where else to start?
I started by typing in 'my Chemical Romance', that was what Ray said the name of the band was. I listened to the whole Bullets album, amazed with what the band had created. By the time I found the music videos, the sun was rising.

"Oh my God." I giggled as 'I'm not okay' ended. I watched several more videos, some that fans had recorded and a few interviews.
My Chemical Romance we're officially my favourite band.

"It's 6.30 in the morning. Did you even sleep?" My head shot up and I looked at Mikey guiltily.

"I got like 3 hours." I sighed and he nodded.
"Why are you awake?"

"I'm helping some friends out at a concert later." Mikey came and sat next to me and saw I had just paused the Helena music video.
"You think we're any good?"

"You're amazing." I admitted, before looking over at Gerard who was still sleeping.

"He's a heavy sleeper, don't worry about waking him up." Mikey sighed.
"Have you heard of Fall Out Boy?"

"I've seen a few of their videos in the recommended, but I haven't checked them out yet." He took the laptop from me and typed away, before playing a video.
"Thanks for the memories? Why's it spelt weird?"

"There were complaints their song titles were too long. Watch the video, if you like them you could come with me later." My eyes widened as the video began.

"I feel like I seriously missed out." I joked once the video was over.
"This ain't a scene... any good Mikes?"

"All of them are good." I nodded my head.

"So guyliner is on bass, sideburns is lead singer, mini fro is guitar and tattoos on drums?" He laughed a little.

"Pete, Patrick, Joe and Andy, Yeah." I nodded my head.

Gerard Way x Reader - Awake and UnafraidWhere stories live. Discover now