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*Referring to the pic above*

I'm kind of rushing this fanfic atm
I've just lost interest in the plot which sucks

It's 3am... whoop 🙌

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked softly, glancing at the sleeping Gerard next to Lyndsey's bed. Jealousy filled my chest, but I pushed it back. He hadn't even said a word to me since he asked what happened, but that was almost 3 days ago.

"Like shit. I feel like shit." Lyndsey said, grimacing. I sat on the chair opposite Gerard and she looked at him with a sigh.
"Have you spoken to him yet?"

"Gerard? No, I haven't had the chance." I shrugged.
"Honestly, I don't think he'll listen to me if I try to tell him."

"Y/N, he loves you. I'm sure he'll listen. If not, I did write it as one of my requests in my will." She said softly and I took her hand in mine.

"Let's not talk about that, okay? You're gonna make it through this. You're fucking amazing. If anyone can do it, you can." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Thanks, Y/N." Lyndsey squeezed my hand and Gerard sat up, his eyes opening.

"Hey. How are my favourite girls?" He forced a small smile, but the worry in his eyes and the bags under them, made it obvious he was everything but okay.

"Sore and tired." Lyndsey admitted.
"Gee, you should take Y/N home. You both look like you need to sleep."

"I'm not going anywhere." Gerard said defensively and I looked down.

"You're not my parents, you don't have to stay with me every second of every day." Lyndsey said, squeezing my hand again.
"You both need the rest and to talk."

"Talk? About what?" Gerard asked.

"Gee, come on. Take Y/N home." Lyndsey pushed.
"You can't stay beside me forever and the others are just outside."

"Fine." Gerard stood up, kissing Lyndsey on the head, before walking out.

"Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He's not himself right now." I nodded my head and left her to rest.

"Gerard told us what's going on. I'll call if anything happens." Frank said, pulling me into a hug. I happily accepted it, hugging him back.
"Go on, get some rest."

"Thanks Frankie." I muttered, before going towards the exit, finding Gerard waiting with Mikey. The younger of the brothers gave me a tired smile, before heading towards the hospital room.

"You ready?" Gerard asked and I nodded my head, taking his hand. He gave it a small squeeze, before we headed out to the car. Neither of us spoke as we got in, the drive was silent. We made it to the house and I sighed as we walked in.
"What was Lyndsey talking about? What do we need to talk about?"

"Gerard, do we have to do this now?" I asked tiredly.

"Yes. I can't stop thinking about it." He said and guilt clawed at my chest.

"Lyndsey and I first spoke about it a few months ago-"

"Are you breaking up with me?" He interrupted and my eyes widened as I looked at him. He had his eyes cast downward and was pulling at the end of his shirt.
"I know I haven't been the best boyfriend the past few days, but that's just because I'm worried about Lyndsey and I don't know. I'm sorry."

"No, God, no. Gee, it's nothing like that." I reassured and took his hands in mine. He looked at me with watery eyes, before kissing me softly. He moved back after a few seconds.
"It's just- don't get too upset or mad okay? This wasn't an easy decision and it's best for everyone."

"Go on." He pushed and I sighed.

"When the baby is born, Lyndsey... she doesn't think she'll have long. It's gonna hit us all hard, she's family." My voice shook slightly and Gerard nodded his head.
"She's worried about you most. We all kind of are."

"She's one of my closest friends." Gerard said sadly.

"And this won't be permanent, I promise, but Lyndsey wants me to look after the baby." Gerard looked confused.
"I'll be here, with you, but she wants me-"

"She wants to make sure our baby is okay and she doesn't think I'm going to be stable enough." He said and I couldn't deny it.
"I get it, I'm not mad. Not really, she's prioritising our son, or daughter. She would have made such an amazing mother."

"I know, Gee." He squeezed my hand slightly.

"Come on, we need to get some sleep so we can get back there." He said softly. We went upstairs and got changed into pyjamas, before getting into bed. Gerard pulled me back into his chest and I smiled a little.

"Love you, Gee." I sighed.

"I love you more, Y/N." He muttered. I closed my eyes and almost immediately began to fall asleep.
"You're gonna make such a great mom."

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