Chapter 4

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There was a point, after my mother’s death, where I didn’t speak. 

I was silent for months, my lips just waiting for the world to right itself, so that I could speak my words in my reality, not this broken version of life that I found myself living.

So as I stand there, in front of the Juno and Bast, my mouth stops moving, and my voice goes silent. 

I can feel Juno shaking me, but I’m paralysed by this disbelief. Paralysed by the knowledge that I am now meant to spend the rest of my life married to a man who will treat me like dirt. 

She’s shouting something to me, her eyes brimmed with worry, but I just stare blankly back. 

Because this can’t be my reality. 

But then I feel Juno’s hands on mine. I pull my other hand up to my neck, and grab the pendant of my necklace. I press the bumpy edge hard against my skin, and I feel the metal dig in painfully. The sensation brings me back.

“Avalyn! Ava!” Juno is saying frantically, her free hand stroking my hair. “Can you hear me?”

I manage to nod back. 

“I don’t understand what has happened, but I promise, we will fix it, alright?” 

A young Union personnel has come in from another room, and I see him speaking quickly into Bast’s ear. Bast whispers something furiously back, his brow furrowed.

I manage to find my voice. “My Union is to Collin. It said my Union is to Collin!”

Juno places a hand on my arm. “I know Avalyn, we matched you with him. I put it into our system myself.” She shakes her head. “For some reason, the system changed your match. It’s an impossible match anyway; Kathu is well over twenty-five, therefore not eligible for your Union. As I’ve said, it’s a mistake. We control the system, so we can fix this.” 

Bast clears his throat. “Actually, we can’t,” he frowns, and the young personnel next to him lowers his head. 

Juno spins around, her mouth set in a hard line. “What are you talking about?”

Bast stares at me. “It seems as though she has been Chosen,” he replies. 

She goes pale. “Chosen? It’s impossible.”

“Michael has brought news,” he replies, indicating to the personnel next to him. “Apparently it’s legitimate.” 

“How dare he!” Juno bursts out. Ashamed at her outburst, she stands up straighter, making her tone slightly calmer. “But that hasn’t happened in years? He can’t do that. He can’t exploit- ”

She’s cut off by the sound of a door slamming, and I can hear boots marching across the marble floor. I know who it is without turning around. 

“Hello, my dear,” Kathu whispers into my ear. 

I’m immediately gathered protectively into someone’s arms, and I know it’s Juno. “We will be reviewing this new development thoroughly, Elder Kathu,” she says coldly. 

“Ah, of course, Elder Juno, I would expect nothing less of the fine department of Union,” he sighs dramatically. “But I’m afraid there’s nothing to review. I have laid claim to this girl, as is my right as an Elder.” His coal black eyes lock on to mine.

Bast shakes his head. “We are aware that it is your right to Chose a girl to be partnered with. And I know this right surpasses our control.” He looks up. “However it is customary that this is discussed with the Elders of Union prior to the Choosing. So why now, Kathu? Why this girl?”

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