Chapter 20

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I take the walk back to the Residence slowly, even though I’m short on time.

Waning light manages to peek through the tree line, but it doesn’t do much to illuminate the path. I stumble along anyways.

Zander will be angry. I can already predict it. He’ll think I’m not taking Inheritance serious enough, despite the fact that I’ve proved worthiness by working myself to the breaking point. But I can’t blame him, because I know how much this means to him. Though he refuses to admit it, Zander is secretly hoping to be a Drifter. The other city-born recruits want it obviously, and declare it for anyone to hear. But Zander wants power so much, he’s afraid to say it - to never expose his dreams, for fear of someone stepping on them.  

Suddenly a sharp crack interrupts my thoughts. My heart quickens as I glance into the shadows. Nothing. There’s nothing there. 

Even so, I quicken my pace, suddenly acutely aware of how dark it’s becoming. The shadows around me are still and quiet - until I see a flash of pitch black flit through the trees. 

Fear kicks my body forward and I break into a sprint, ignoring the brambles that rip across my legs as I run. I race through the path, that shock of adrenaline screaming at me to go faster and faster.

Then a deep growl rips across the air - and I freeze. 

A giant black form is hunched before me, the great mass of interlocking muscles shifting powerfully across it’s shoulders, ready to pounce. A pair of chatoyant amber slits glare back at me above two bared, threatening fangs as the creature flicks its tail and presses its rounded ears flat.

My blood runs like slushed ice through my veins, and I stand there lamely, staring at the beast in front of me. I recognise that tail, those ears - I realise that this is the creature I thought I saw in the forest. The one I thought was watching us. 

The beast stalks around me, curling its tail as it prowls. Sharp growls burst from its throat in a guttural, primal threat, but I remain transfixed. My death is inevitable at this point. I can’t fight this creature off.

Creature; one of Evo’s creations. It was probably sent by the God himself to punish me, to tear me limb from limb because I’m a liar and a descendent of the murderous South and just an all-round fraud who’s enjoying the sanctuary of his Terran. Time to get rid of me.

Warm, dark breath heats my skin and I can practically feel how close this thing is to my body. I send a silent apology to the people I care about - I lied to both my best friend and the boy from the library. Then I close my eyes, bracing myself for those giant teeth to sink into flesh. I wonder if this beast will find anything within me, or if all my invisible wounds have left my soul bled and hollowed. 

But instead of pain, I find myself opening my eyes, and see the beast just standing there. It looks at me curiously, its amber eyes still narrowed slit, but studying me nonetheless. It snorts, loudly and angrily. What does this thing want from me?

Suddenly the giant creature lurches away from me, and with one massive leap of it’s hindquarters, launches itself back into the forest. 

I stare after it, open-mouthed. Scanning round, I wonder what could have driven it off, but the forest is silent around me, as though the black beast had never even appeared. But there’s no doubt in my mind that those razor sharp claws were inches from tearing me apart. Why was I spared?

Night has fallen over the camp, so I break into a run, trying to get to back as quickly as possible. I’m struck with a strong urge to find Hale, to ask him what that thing was. I sprint through Market Square, ignoring the shouts and protests of the vendors as I barge past them. I’m about to head out towards the tree line, but then I glance up at the clock that rests in the middle of the square. 

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