Chapter 14

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I step in front of the mirror, taking in my own reflection. My hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, and the brand new black recruit outfit fits snugly but flexibly against my body. Today I start training. 

After our meeting with Greyson and Kal'sayu last week, Robin stormed off, leaving Parker and Max to show us around the rest of camp. I kept trying to get Parker alone so I could ask him about Mendell, the legends, the book - but I only got the chance once. And as soon as I started to ask the question, Parker had given me a quick shake of his head; not here, not now. 

Zander stands at the doorway of my room, watching me impatiently. He steals a glance at the small clock that rests by my bed and groans. “We should have been there ten minutes ago Ava.”

“Zander.” I can’t hide the amusement from my voice. “Our session doesn’t start for another twenty. Parker won’t mind if we’re late.” But I know he’s just nervous, so I let him pull me out the door, laughing as he mumbles about making a good impression. 

We get to the training centre in no time, thanks to Zander’s breakneck pace. We descend down the elevator,  and once again the doors slide open to reveal a cavernous room, the same gym-like area that I saw the masses of guards training in. My view yesterday was obscured by Robin yanking me away, and only now do I see all the equipment it contains. Rows and rows of mats line the sides, with targets and training stations grouped in the various corners. The far wall is loaded with weapons, from small, short daggers to fifth-generation rapid firearms; the latest in Aeon's technology. 

Suddenly I feel a light tap on my shoulder, and I tear my gaze away from the weapons. “We’re not the first ones here,” Zander whispers in my ear.

Looking back, I’m surprised to see another pair standing quietly nearby. The boy is definitely Northern, with curly black hair and big, strong features that jumble his face together. A girl stands slightly behind him, her medium build concealed by his imposing one, and dark hair held back by a simple braid. 

Zander holds out a hand to them. “I’m Zander,” he says. “And this is Ava.”

The boy shakes. “Miles,” he introduces himself, then points to the girl behind him. “And this is my sister Leah.” She gives us a slight half smile. Miles glances at my hair. “You’re City-born? From the West?” he asks with surprise. 

I nod. The lie slips out so easily, it makes me wonder if I’m starting to actually believe it. “But Zander’s Northern. We actually just arrived here yesterday.”

But Miles gives us a broad smile, and claps Zander on the back. “Then welcome! Leah and I are Aeon refugees as well. We got here from the North Sector just over two months ago.” 

I breathe a sigh of relief. At least we won’t be the only city-born recruits. As if on cue, the elevator dings open, and another girl strides into the room. She raises her eyebrows when she sees us. “Who are they?” she asks Miles.

“New arrivals from Aeon!” he calls back. “A Westerner and a Northerner!” Her face brightens just like Miles’ did, and she skips over, her pigtails swishing wildly. 

“This is Jade - we all escaped together,” Miles tell us. 

Jade grins at us, exposing a tiny gap between her teeth. “Hi!” she squeaks. Then without warning she rushes me into a hug, and next she has her arms around Zander, squeezing just as tight. Glancing up at his awkward expression, she pauses. “Sorry,” she giggles - a high pitched, jarring sound. “It’s just good to see more people from home.” She frowns. “Well, ex-home, I guess. Even though I never want to go back, you can’t help but miss parts of it, can you?” 

Legacy of Fire (The Blaze Trilogy - Book #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang