Chapter 5

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All heads in the room turned to Mendell. My heart pounds against my chest. 

He continues softly. “The daughter of Rosentar will be partnered with Kathu in Union, as it is his right as Elder to Chose a wife, should he not already have one. Her duty is now to ensure his comfort and well-being.”

The blood slows in my body, and it’s as though a terrible pain has struck the air out of my lungs. The clutching feeling in my throat magnifies as I look up at Mendell, trying to block out his words, block out his declaration of my future. 

But Kathu merely chuckles. He leans down towards me, cupping my chin in his hands. “It seems you are mine now, my dear.” Something burns inside my stomach, swallowing the pit of fear inside me. Anger. 

I look up to Kathu, filling my eyes with cold rage. “I will never belong to a monster like you,” I spit. 

Kathu recoils as if he’s been slapped, but he narrows his eyes and grabs my wrist. “We’ll see,” he hisses softly, his fingers digging into my skin. “After all, we have so long to get to know each other.”

“Mendell, please you must reconsider!” Juno cries, exasperation creeping into her voice. 

He shakes his head slowly. “There is nothing I can do. I’m sorry.”

“You must! He’ll kill her!” she yells, abandoning her composure completely.

Mendell closes his eyes, and holds up a hand. “Juno, I must uphold the law.”

She turns to Kathu, and her voice drops. “You may have been treated leniently once, but I can always sense those with blood on their hands.”

Kathu smiles back. “Don’t worry Juno. I know how to clean them.”

Juno looks as though she is about to say something, but she bites her tongue. She turns to leaves the chamber, giving me one last glance. I recognise it as the same one my father gave me. It’s the look you give to someone when you know you’ll never see them again.

“Well,” Kathu smiles, as the door slams behind her. “I’m glad this has been settled. I’m sure Juno will get over it – she's always had an intolerably short temper for someone of her standing.” 

He extends a hand to the remaining Elders. “Mendell, Bast.” He nods to them both, before glancing my way. 

“As for you,” he murmurs, leaning close to my ear. “It seems I have underestimated your spirit. Do not worry, child.” He strokes his finger against my cheek. “I will break you.” 

Then he turns on his heel, and strides out of the room. 

The panicked beating of my heart ceases as he leaves the room, and instead I feel empty, like I’ve been shut off. I struggle to hold back the flood of tears that threaten to spill over. It’s Bast’s pitying expression that finally sets them loose, but he simply stares at me as I begin to crack. 

“Daughter, a car will come by in a few minutes to take you to your partner’s residence,” Bast says flatly. 

Kathu’s house. The tears are flowing freely now.

“Bast,” Mendell clears his throat. “I will watch over the girl until her car arrives.” 

Bast nods, and leaves the room, the personnel trailing behind him. I want to scream after him, scream at him for being so indifferent to my future. It’s just another day for him - for me, it’s the end of my life. 

I look up, and a slight shock runs through me. Mendell’s eyes are locked intently to mine. They’re a rich brown, and right now they’re steeled with something - determination. 

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