Chapter 21

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I collect myself from the floor, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my jaw. With it comes anger - how dare he lay a hand on me.

I walk back to the group of recruits as though nothing happened, concealing myself within them. I quickly scan for Zander’s dark form, but he’s not here. I feel a small chill as I realise where he is. He’s gone to turn me in.

A Bloomer is shifting throughout the crowd of recruits. Sticks and leaves curl in her twisting raven hair, but her fine features are bathed in serenity. She stops at each one of us and places a rose petal on our heads. Then right before my eyes I see it grow, twisting and blooming under her command until we are each wearing a crown of elegant white flowers. A tribute to Evo. 

From the recruit waiting area, I can just here Greyson’s booming voice as he starts to address the crowd - the Inheritance Ceremony is beginning. First, they start with the non-Inheriting Terran. I watch from the indoor television screen as their black-clad forms enter the arena, and I hear their various army assignments read out by Captain Ellis; six Fives, two Fours, three Threes, and a Two - only three of the recruits opt to not join the army. And no one gets assigned First Corps. 

Then it’s the Inherited’s turn. They start with the Earthborne. Four green tunic-clad recruits enter the arena, excitement clear on their faces, and I see Hale and the other Earthborne embrace them like brothers. Next it’s the Waterborne. Atlas leads the pack of three, stretching his arms wide in greeting to the other Terran, and they roar their approval. But when he reaches the Waterborne, Adrian gives him a sour look. It wipes the smug look right off Atlas’s face. 

Windborne are next. Of course, there’s only one - Keeta. But she struts out confidently to join her regiment, a look of pride on her face as she takes her position. 

Finally, Greyson hushes the crowd. Next is the part everyone’s been waiting for - which of this year’s city-born recruits will have Inheritance.

Miles walks towards the centre of the arena with measured steps. Greyson presents him to the crowd, and then injects him with a short needle. When Miles reopens his eyes, Greyson gazes into them - and ever so slightly shakes his head. Miles’ shoulders slump heavily, but Captain Ellis steps out forward, a small white card in her hand. She reads it aloud; “Third Corps!” Miles perks up slightly at this, and he can’t hold back a grin as his new comrades beckon him to join their ranks. 

I quickly scan my surroundings, but I still can’t find Zander. He hasn’t entered the area, so he can’t have busted my secret wide open yet. 

Next up is Jade. I hold my breath as she bounds out there, but she doesn’t say anything about me - instead she’s gushing about how excited she is. But her mood plummets when she’s injected. Her eyes remain brown. “Try again,” she demands to Greyson. But he ignores her, and Ellis once again steps forward, card in hand. “Fourth Corps!” Jade trudges over to her Corps, looking decidedly less pleased than Miles.

When Leah goes out there, I almost feel bad for her. She’s staring so hard at the ground that she can barely see where she’s going, and it takes her a good while to make it all the way to Greyson. She closes her eyes as he injects her, her body slumping at such an odd angle that I fear she might faint. But when she opens them again, the crowd lets out a cheer. Her eyes are green. 

Not that deep, brilliant forest green of Hale’s eyes, but that sunny, light green like Agatha’s. I’m shocked - Leah is a Bloomer. Greyson has to escort her down to where the Noah and the Earthbornes are standing, because she’s too disorientated to do it on her own. 

Then Greyson calls out Zander’s name. For a moment, no one appears, and a pang of worry runs through me. A sick, churning feeling. But he wouldn’t miss this. Not for anything. I’m right, because suddenly he appears from the other entrance to the arena. He walks to the centre, and I can see the trembling in his hands. I can’t tell if it’s from rage or nerves, because it was that same trembling hand that struck me across the face. 

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