CHAPTER 33 - night terrors

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"Hello mom"
we stand here, a deep stare between Eric and this woman who looks like she's just seen a ghost.

It's very hard to read what will happen next. Like Eric she doesn't give a lot away in her facial expressions.
She grabs him and engulfs him in a strong embrace.
"It's been so long since I've seen you, you've grown so much" I'm guessing he hasn't been home since choosing day. As if only noticing me now his mother turns to me.

"Hi there, Eric who's this young lady?" I return her warm smile.
"This is my girlfriend, Alex" I like how that sounds, I like it a lot.
"Well let's not just stand here, come on come in." We follow her inside down the crisp white hallway into the kitchen. She gestures for us to join her at the table and offers tea and biscuits which I decline.

"So, how's dauntless been treating you?"
"Great, I got the leadership position and I train initiates"
"Oh yes I'm aware darling everyone's heard about that. I'm so so proud" she coos at Eric which makes him cringe slightly.
Silence fills the kitchen before his mother clears her throat.

"So not that I'm not thrilled to see you, but what brings you here?"
"Mother, there's something big happening, and I was wondering if you could help us out"
"What's happening Eric?" She sounds genuinely confused.
"It's erudite... they're targeting divergents" he speaks with an element of confidence which I know isn't sincere.
"What? How do you know this?"
"They've murdered a dauntless initiate, Alex was friends with him. We found out he was divergent. He was thrown off the edge of the chasm- a bridge" it hurts a little as Eric's words flow freely. Thinking about my best friend being murdered is a difficult thing to do.
"And your sure it's erudite?" She doesn't sound like she's trying to contradict her son, just inquiring like erudite do best.
"Yes, I've looked down all other avenues. I'm sure"

His mother takes a sip of her tea with an uncomfortable gulp.
"And where exactly do I fit into this?"
"I was wondering if you could maybe have a look in the office at work, see if there's anything unusual. But mother if it's to dangerous please forget about it-"
"Consider it done, we can't have this happen again." I wonder if she knows about Eric, I doubt it, probably just doing this from the goodness in her heart.
"Thank you, so much this means a lot" I decide to chime in on the silence.
"I'll keep you guys updated, I'll send a message in the next day or two, you should probably get home we don't want to look suspicious" she gives us a warm smile and Eric and I stand up.
"Thank you mom, and I just want you to know I'm sorry, for not visiting. It was just... difficult"
"Son you don't have to explain to me, I'm your mother. We will figure this out, the three of us. Now you and your beautiful girlfriend go before you miss the last train of the evening" Eric engulfs his mother in a hug and then she kisses his cheek. To my surprise she embraces me also. This isn't a feeling I've ever really experienced. Love from a parental figure. It's nice.


'I'm divergent'
'I'm divergent'
'I'm divergent'

It keeps replaying and replaying like a broken record. Repeating until the word means nothing.

I hear screaming and loud chatter arise as people pool around the chasms edge. I get that familiar uneasy feeling in my stomach and sprint frantically towards the crowd, pushing my way through.

There he is, lifeless, sprawled across the rocks. His eyes are pools of black, he barely looks like a person

'Eric!!!!!' I scream historically.
'Not you too! I can't lose you too'

"Shhhhh your not going to lose me it's okay" I feel the bead of sweat on my forehead as Eric takes my hand in his.
"That's the second night of these night terrors Alexa" he's not complaining just stating. It's true, this has been happening for the past two days, since we went to Eric's childhood home. It just made me realise how bad things are.
"The sooner my mom sends that message the better, come on let's get up and get you something to eat"

We make our way down to the dining hall, taking a seat at an empty table. I haven't seen my friends in a few days, we've all kind of been busy. They're all working a lot whereas me and Eric have decided to put training off until we figure out more about this mess.
Eric heads up to grab us some porridge.
"Hey al" to be honest hearing tobias' voice is the most soothing thing right now. Through all those awful nights with Marcus he made me feel the safest I possibly could.
"Hey Toby"
"Where's Eric?" I point to the food counter before lying on my brothers shoulder.
"Any updates?"
"No, were waiting on word from his mom" Tobias is obviously filled in on the situation.

Eric returns with the food, offering Tobias a small smile.
It's nice to see them getting on a bit better, I suppose they have their divergence in common.
We converse in small talk, nothing much until someone unfamiliar sits down beside us. He is wearing dauntless clothing but I notice something out of the ordinary, a blue ring.
"Who sent you?" I ask.
"Adeline" Eric's eyes widen, that's his mother.
"Follow me, I have some important information for you"

Sorry for the long wait guys I had writers block! I'm back now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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