Chapter 1: All about her

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She's coming today, after two years I'm going to see her again. And we'll never be separated again, I could hardly bare not being with her for two years. Now I'm going to see her everyday, it'll be the best thing that ever happened.

"Come on Niall, we have an interview." Harry yelled, motioning me out the door. "She'll be here by the time we get back." He's never met her, but he knows how much she means to me. But not the real reason, because.. no one does. Not even her.

"Okay, but I'm bringing this." I said picking up my bag of McDonald's, and then exiting my hotel room.

Kayla's POV:

"Hey, watch it!" I screamed, as a man pushed me onto a bag carousel. I felt a sharp pain in my right hand, which just caused me to scream out in even more pain. After a couple of minutes, some security and the man in handcuffs and me with an ice pack. We were waiting for the ambulance to come, the cops were questioning the guy who had pushed me. He looked guilty to me, but maybe that was because he had broken my hand.

"Now what do we have here?" One of the cops said, who was the closest to me. He had been searching through the man's bag for the last 5 to 10 minutes. I could just barely see over everyone who had been gathering around him, but I saw some weed and a gun.

             After I was done at the hospital, I made my way to my hotel to check in. I was in London meeting up with some friends, or should I say my best friend and his friends. I was going on tour with them. And their name was One Direction.

Niall's POV:

      We had just gotten back from the interview, and I was so excited to see her. But when I check if she had checked in yet, they said she hadn't yet. I wonder why, I mean she was suppose to be in by noon. It's already 2:30, where could she be?

"Nialler.." I heard someone say from behind me, I turned to see her standing there with her hand behind her back. I wonder why, but I didn't care right now I just wanted to feel the warmth of her body totally and completely surround me. We both ran towards each other, we ending up meeting half way and then hugging until all of our guts were on the floor. "I've missed you so much." she said finishing her sentence.

"Me too, Lala." I said, burrowing my face in her beautiful red hair. It smelled like her, like cinnamon and vanilla. We stayed like that for about a minute, and then I noticed her hand. It was in a big white cast. I released her and looked at her then her cast then back to her, waiting for an explanation. "What's that?" I questioned.

"Oh, you mean this thing?!" she said laughing it off, "Nothing."

"If it was nothing it wouldn't be in a cast.."

"Okay, so this guy sort of pushed me into a bag carousel and he may of had a gun.." she said nonchalantly, acting it was just another boring day.

"What?! He had a gun?!" I yelled, I quickly searched her for any injuries other than the cast.

"Yeah, but it was in his bag so he didn't have it.. Niall calm down I can take care of myself!" she said, slightly giggling.

"It's not my fault, I worry okay.." I said, I felt a little embarrassed for freaking out about the whole gun thing. But I quickly shook the feeling and grabbed Lala's bag, of course she made a fuss about it but I ignored it and continued to the elevator with her following. Once we were on our floor I showed her to her room for the night, my room.

"I'll be sleeping with you?" she asked as she entered the room, seeing my bag everywhere.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" I said, setting her bag by mine.

"No, I was just stating the obvious.." she said with a smile on her face, as she walked over to the bed and flopped on it. She began to laugh, the beautiful laughter that I had missed so much. "Come on I don't bite!" she said inviting me to join, she was the same girl from two years ago. The same girl I fell in love with.

Kayla's POV:

       After we caught up about recent things we had a movie night, we had popcorn and different kids of candy. Which included my favorite, pretzel M&Ms. We were watching the second movie when a couple of Niall's friends came in. I knew their names, I just wasn't that familiar with the faces.

"Hey guys, I would like you to meet Kayla." Niall said jumping up from the sofa, and then meeting the guys by the table.

"Hello." they said in unison, I gave them a little wave and a smile.

"I'm Zayn." said the one with the black quiff.

"Hey, I'm Louis." said the one wearing a striped shirt, and some red pants.

"I'm Liam, very nice to meet you!" another one said, he had a brown quiff but not as big as Zayn's.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you." the curly head said, winking at me then giving me a cheeky smile.

"Nice to meet all of you too." I said, happily. Niall just stood there smiling like an idiot, but he was my idiot.

"So whatcha watching?" Liam asked, just now noticing our movie that was still playing.

"Bambi." Niall replied, this was his favorite Disney movie. "Would you guys like to join?"

"Sure." They said in unison again, I wonder if they do this often. Niall and the rest of the boys made their way to the couch. I was sitting in the middle with Niall to my right and Harry to my left. Louis was sitting on the floor at Harry's feet and Zayn was doing the same with Niall. Liam was just casually lying on the arm of the couch. We watched one more movie after Bambi, and then we all decided that we should be getting to bed since they have their first concert tomorrow. We said our goodbyes, and then me and Niall picked up our living room. It was trashed, there was popcorn everywhere, and millions of gummy bears on the floor because Zayn and Louis decided to have a gummy bear war. We went through five bags of popcorn and fifteen bags of other candy, by the end of the night.

"I think that's all of it.." Niall said picking up the last gummy bear off the ground, and throwing it in the trash.

"Ugh, I'm pooped." I said flopping onto the bed, soon Niall joins me.

"You said it." Was the last thing I heard him say before I passed out in exhaustion.

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