Chapter 6: Where I Belong

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A/N: Heyy guys so that last chapter, WOW. I've gotten some replies to what side you were on, and right now here's the score:

Harla: 1

Liall: 0

Looks like you like Harla, but is it just because of the name?? Lol jkjk Okay, so here's the next chapter I hope you like it!!! :D

And don't forget to check out my joint account fan fiction, Once in a Lifetime Chance! @Girls41D!! :D


      Kayla's POV:

We finally made it to Nando's, and ordered our food. I was hanging onto Niall's arm with a big smile on my face. I saw a smile creep onto his face, as I hugged his arm a little tighter. I was where I belonged, and I could feel it.

"Okay, Kayla I need my arm to carry the food." He said with a laugh, I smiled and released his arm from my grip. He took the food in his hands, and we began to walk towards a booth. I slid to the middle of the bench, and Niall did the same handing out our food. I had ordered two chicken wraps along with a side drink, while Niall ordered half of the menu. "So how was your day?" he said making chit chat.

"It was fine, I was a little lonely though." I said opening my wrap, and taking a drink. I looked up to Niall as I drank, and saw a sad face plastered to his face. "What's wrong?" I asked finishing drinking, and setting it back down on the table.

"I'm so sorry." he said with a serious look on his face, mixed with a little pain and sadness.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault. You had a photo shoot." I said trying to make him look at me, he kept looking away. I got sick of this and took his head in my hands, and made him look at me. "It wasn't your fault." I said studying his eyes, relief flicker through his eyes. Then he smiled, and shoved a chicken wrap up my nose. "NIALL!" I shouted, letting go of his face and began to wipe the dressing off my face. His laughter filled the whole shop, as I took a napkin and wipe the rest of it off then shove it into his face.

"Eww!" he squealed, as I began to laugh, soon enough he joined in with me.

"I'm going to go get the dressing out of my nose." I said getting up from our booth, and wiping the lettuce from the wrap off of my pants.

"Okay." he said taking a drink of my drink, I messed his hair up as I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Once there I looked at the mess on my face and laughed at myself, and took some toilet paper and wiped my face and nose off; until I was sparkling clean. I fixed my hair before I exited the bathroom, to find that some of his fans had found us. I just stood by the exit of the bathroom and waited for him to finish their autographs and pictures. I only looked away for a second, and when I looked back some tramp had her lips all over Niall. I felt my heart drop, as a tear escaped my eye. My heart was racing, as well as breaking. It was like all the butterflies were dying inside of me, and poisoning my until I was sick. I entered back into the bathroom, thinking of what to do, when I noticed a window.

As I ran through the streets I could feel my heart going thump thump thump, not in happiness (of course.) but in complete and utter fear. Fear of being rejected, but what did I have to fear?! Niall had obviously didn't stop her from kissing him, he had made his choice. And I wasn't a part of it. I bustled into the hotel lobby, and ran into the elevator. Clicking on our floor number repetitively, the floors went by slowly. Finally our floor, the doors opened and I took of sprinting towards my destination. Once there, I knocked loudly causing my knuckles to burn in pain, as tears were pouring out of my eyes. They stung a lot.

"Kayla?" he asked finally answering the door, "What's wrong?" Harry looked at me worryingly. I let instinct over take my actions, as I leaped on him and gave him the most passionate kiss I could. I wouldn't ever let him go, he might not be Niall but he's darn close. And right now he's all I have, Niall was at Nando's probably with that slut. My hands got tangled in his thick curls, his hands pulling me closer and closer. When managed to get to the bed and just begin to ravage each other, soon we were only in our undies. He held me like I was a fragile china doll, and I felt like one too. Like I would break at any moment. He slid his hand down my side causing chills to go down my spine, I kept pushing my body on his, not wanting to let him go. We just stared at each other, he examining my wet face. He began to wipe away what was left of my eye liner, and mascara making my eyes not sting as much. "You're so beautiful." he said, stroking my face.

"Your not too bad yourself." I said, causing us to slightly giggle. We both got into bed and continued our make out session until we were both asleep. Now I was sure, that this is where I belong.


A/N: I hope you liked it!! <3 I loved writing the scene for Liall and Harla. I think it was so sweet!! :) Tell me what your favorite part was, and has your ship changed? Are you a Liall shipper? Or a Harla shipper?! Comment below!! :P


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